Have We Lowered the Bar?
The term “Lowering the Bar” has its roots in athletic competition. The “Bar” is progressively raised. Have we lowered the bar so far that we’ve forgotten our ultimate goal? Or are we striving to lift the bar to new heights?
Posted on Jun-06-2013
The New Morality
Western society in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has experienced major changes in prevailing moral standards. How can the church properly relate to people who are living in ways that violate the clear commands of scripture?
Posted on Jun-06-2013
Are Your Dreams Faith or Fantasy?
Every person who has normal health and mental function probably also has hopes and dreams for the future. But how can we know that what we hope for is reality or a fantasy?
Posted on Jun-06-2013
Stop Dreaming and Do It Now!
Has the Lord given you a great dream? Are you planning to someday begin the process? What are you waiting for?
Posted on Jun-06-2013
Do Not Bite!
Biting is destroying many churches even as we speak (or read). No, I’m not talking about actual biting, but rather personal attacks, people fighting within the church. What does God tell us about biting?
Posted on Apr-24-2013
Ecumenism Vs. Sound Doctrine
In the church there is a lot of talk of ecumenism these days. However, efforts for ecumenism are often blunted by people advocating their doctrine. So, which is more important, ecumensims or sound doctrine?
Posted on Apr-24-2013
What Is “Sin”? Who Cares?
We hear the word sin used quite bit in our society, but what does it really mean? And do you even really need to care?
Posted on Apr-24-2013
Who’s In Charge Here?
With all the crisises going on in the world today, it can seem like God is no where to be found. But what is the truth? Is God in control?
Posted on Apr-24-2013
A Christian Perspective on Senior Care
Senior care is an important issue today with changes coming in health care and the ever increasing costs. But what does the Bible tell us about senior care?
Posted on Nov-26-2012
Why Non-Christians Are Offended by the Bible
It’s not uncommon as you look around the web to see angry comments on Christian blogs and articles, often from non-Christians who don’t like what the Christian article says. So, why is there so much anger?
Posted on Nov-26-2012
Are You Serving God - the Wrong Way?
Have you ever really poured yourself into a task which seemed to you to be absolutely right and godly – only to have it “blow up in your face”? Do you find yourself wondering where God is, or why He hasn’t blessed your efforts to serve Him?
Posted on Nov-26-2012
Is the King James Version the Only Legitimate Version of the Bible?
Christians often have a preferred version of the Bible. Some even believe that their version is the only version that anyone should ever use. Most commonly this is found with the King James Version. So, is the King James Version the only legitimate version of the Bible?
Posted on Nov-25-2012
What’s in a Name?
Do you know what your name means? Is it even important to know? This article delves into the meaning of names in other cultures. It also examines the changing of a name based on significant events in one's life. Most importantly, it gives insight into what the Bible has to say about a name.
Posted on Sep-05-2012
Is World Peace The impossible Dream?
Wars and rumors of wars are part of our daily lives. World peace seems like an oxymoronic statement. Is world peace possible or is it an impossible dream hoped for by those who need a reality check? The Bible promises peace. But when, how, and what does it say about achieving it?
Posted on Sep-05-2012
Are Biblical Events Literal or Symbolic?
God created the universe in 6 days; Noah's flood; the parting of the Red Sea; the Virgin birth; Jesus turned water to wine; and, Jesus fed five thousand men with five loaves and two fish. These are but a few Biblical events that science claims are not to be taken literally. Scientifically speaking, they are impossibilities. But just because science says so is not enough reason to doubt the authenticity of these Biblical accounts. Or is it?
Posted on Sep-05-2012
The Bible Predicts Global Warming
When some Christians hear the words “global warming” they tend to shutter. Do Christians lack understanding and compassion as it relates to environmental issues? What does the Bible have to say about global warming, climate change and the environment. The answer might surprise you.
Posted on Jul-19-2012