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The Bible Predicts Global Warming

Posted On : Jul-19-2012 | seen (1052) times | Article Word Count : 891 |

When some Christians hear the words “global warming” they tend to shutter. Do Christians lack understanding and compassion as it relates to environmental issues? What does the Bible have to say about global warming, climate change and the environment. The answer might surprise you.
A nearly universal frenzy seems to have gripped the world over the perceived climate change which may or may not be occurring. Unfortunately, some who should be in a position to know the facts have demonstrated their willingness to skew information in favor of their chosen perspective. Former US vice-president, Al Gore, for example, wrote a moving book which was made into a documentary. It was later discredited because many of the “facts” were skewed, and some were clearly invented “out of thin air.”

Good Ideas from The “Green Movement”

Although there was a period of several years during which it seemed that weather records supported the global warming claims, there followed a solid decade in which those records actually revealed global cooling. As a consequence, the mantra has changed somewhat, and now warns of “climate change.”

Many conservative Christians have arbitrarily taken the opposite side in this debate, seemingly mindlessly rejecting anything which is offered by those who support “the green movement.” Where does the truth lie, and what should the Christian be doing about it?

It’s great to know where you stand, but we should be very careful that we not reject good ideas, just because they come from somebody that we “don’t like!” In fact, some of the ideas fielded by the “Greenies” are undeniably good. When possible, believers ought to embrace such ideas without malice. We should never forget the very first command given by the Lord to Adam in the Garden of Eden:

“Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth.”

In effect, the great Creator was saying, “OK, I made it, now you take care of it!” Unfortunately, many believers have fallen far short on that assignment!

Historical Proof of Climate Change

Without going deeply into controversial theories about exact dates and causes, it is generally agreed that there have been periods of heating and cooling throughout history.

1. The year without a summer: One of the most dramatic events in relatively recent history occurred nearly 200 years ago when the entire northern hemisphere experienced “The year without a summer” (1816). Rivers and lakes were frozen over as far south as Pennsylvania, even in July and August. In much of the Northern Hemisphere, there was not a month without a killing frost. Crop failures led to starvation, malnutrition, and terrible deprivation. Many citizens froze to death.

2. The little ice age: A few hundred years before that (AD 850 – 1250), records indicate that the northern hemisphere enjoyed much warmer temperatures than are common today. The Vikings developed extensive grape growing and wine making ventures and pastured large herds of cattle, sheep and goats in Iceland and Greenland. Access to the region was relatively easy because there was little sea ice during that epoch. That idyllic situation was later supplanted by “the little ice age,” during which bitterly cold winters and short growing seasons effectively ended agricultural ventures in the region.

Given this evidence, it is difficult to give credence to the blame which is currently placed on our “carbon footprint.” In fact, human contributions to the atmosphere, although measurable, are not the major cause of such climate swings. Volcanic and Solar variations are more likely the major contributors to these events.

Biblical Evidence for Global Warming

In case you are wondering, scripture does predict major global warming in the book of Revelation and tells why it will occur. According to the prophecy, man-made carbon pollution will not be a significant factor. Revelation 16:8 prophesies a time when the sun will “scorch men with great heat.” The cause will be a direct angelic intervention, and the sun will apparently produce an inordinate amount of heat. In fact, scientists have noted uncommon behavior in the sun during the past few years, and they are wondering what it will do during the next few years.

Is Global Warming Predicted in the Bible?

If the sun should emit a sudden increase of radiation, our carbon footprint would be inconsequential in comparison. Could it be that the events prophesied in Revelation are closer than we may imagine? Even though most scientists seem completely unaware of the Revelation prophecy, some of them have actually proposed injecting particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect excess solar radiation – but overdoing that process could easily precipitate another ice age. What’s a responsible scientist to do?

Live Responsibly

We can live responsibly as stewards of the world God has created. It may seem irresponsible or even incomprehensible to “unbelievers,” but this author would also like to respectfully suggest the following. Our best hope for a safe and secure future lies in placing our trust and obedience in the One who created our system, and who has maintained it within survivable limits for the thousands of years that this world has existed. In fact, that is the only hope which actually makes sense!

The wisest man who ever lived wrote:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways,and He will guide you on the right paths” Proverbs 3:5-6 (HCSB).

Article Source : Bible Predicts Global Warming_211458.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article has expertise in Book of Revelation Bible study. The articles on Esther Bible study reveals the author’s knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on free Christian devotional as well.

Keywords : Book of Revelation Bible study, free Christian devotional, Esther Bible study,

Category : Society : Society

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