Mikeweb's Article in Language

917 Nouns,Conjunctions and interjections
Nouns are the names of various things and living beings that we see around us. Now imagine about the mountains, trees, animals, cars, bicycles, buildings etc that you see around yourself every time.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

836 English Language and understanding Prepositions
English was introduced in Britain by the German invaders from what is now called the north-west Germany, which was originally a mixture of dialects. Today, English has been globally accepted as the modern language of communication.
Posted on Jan-12-2012

1318 Global Acceptance of English Language and the role of Internet
English was introduced in Britain by the German invaders from what is now called the north-west Germany, which was originally a mixture of dialects.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

The future tense, like the present and the past tenses, has four sub-tenses. These are the simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense and the future perfect continuous tense. In this article, we will look at the different future tenses in details.
Posted on Nov-18-2011

886 The importance of English Language and how to learn it Online?
English is the third most widely spoken language of this world. It is the international language of business, science, and technology, defense (armed forces), engineering, tourism and other departments. English gives you the power to communicate with other people of this world while you are on a world tour.
Posted on Oct-25-2011

645 Learn English Online has many advantages
If you are planning to learn English online, then you have made the best decision of your life. English has become the universal language, is spoken all over the planet,and is one of the most important languages of this world. There are many online resources where you can learn the English language.
Posted on Oct-18-2011

756 English and the world
English is one of the most important languages ​​in the world. It can even be seen as the most important language. Yes, other languages ​​are also important, but not for the same reason that English is important.
Posted on Aug-20-2011

682 Importance of English
English has become a global language and learning has become extremely necessary for us all. It is the most widely used language from 4000-5000 living languages ​​spoken in the world. There are a whopping 350 million English speakers.
Posted on Aug-20-2011

862 How to Correctly Use Apostrophes
The apostrophe is a raised comma. It is a punctuation mark used in English language. It was introduced in English in the sixteenth century.
Posted on Aug-19-2011