James Garcia's Article in Health and Fitness

717 3 Bodybuilding Myths.
There is a lot of information available out there on the internet and in books related to muscle building. There are countless websites and magazines proclaiming to give you the secret behind building massive muscles. Unfortunately, most of the information is not correct. A lot of people become victim of some famous bodybuilding myths. This article will give you some very useful information regarding the top 3 bodybuilding myths so that you can avoid them.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

753 3 Fitness Tips for Women.
Obesity is rapidly becoming on of the most common problems faced by people all over the world. Generally speaking, women population is more overweight than men population. Being overweight can cause a lot of health problems such as diabetes and heart attack. In this article, you will find 3 useful tips for women that can help ladies improve their fitness level and over all health.
Posted on Dec-14-2011

679 Some Facts About Nutrient Timings.
A lot of research has been done on what to eat and how to train in order to promote muscle growth. A lot of so called “fitness experts” will tell you about what macronutreints to eat and in what proportion but most of the times, the time when you eat those nutrients is overlooked.
Posted on Dec-05-2011

851 Tips for Cellulite Removal.
Majority of the women around the world are affected by cellulite and the numbers are as high as 90%. Cellulite is basically a collection of fat tissues mainly in the lower part of the body like hips, lower abs and thighs.
Posted on Nov-30-2011

626 Circuit Training for Women - Does it Work?
Most of the women especially those with children find it difficult to exercise on regular basis and their main excuse is the lack of time. Moreover, women always look for a workout which helps them lose the unwanted weight while maintaining the body’s lean muscle mass in a timely efficient manner. The solution to all of these problems is circuit training.
Posted on Nov-17-2011

702 2 Tips for Bigger Arms.
If you have been lifting weights for a while than chances are that you might have been asked a number of times to flex your biceps in order to show your hard work. People will never ask you to show them your lats, thighs or chest; the muscles that grab all the attention are that of arms.
Posted on Nov-17-2011

790 3 Newbie Tips for Bodybuilding.
Some people spend countless hours in the gym everyday and pump the iron till they pass out but still don’t get the results that they desire. There is a common misconception amongst the beginners that in order to gain muscles, they need to do as much weight training as possible. However, the truth is that there is more to bodybuilding than just lifting weights; in fact it is a combination of different factors such as diet, rest and recovery.
Posted on Nov-16-2011