Infigra's Article in Internet Marketing
What social media will work for your business?
Deciding where to maintain an online presence for your business isn't always easy. These days, there are many choices in social media, and you might not know which to choose.
Posted on Jan-16-2012
Why patience is key in online marketing
Getting noticed on the Internet can feel impossible, but that's not the case. Just like with anything else, having an Internet presence takes a lot of work and time in order to get noticed.
Posted on Dec-27-2011
Tips to entice customer holiday spending
With the holidays swiftly approaching, retail business owners are scrambling to attract customers and convince them to buy. Here we'll discuss just a few of the things you can do to increase your business over the holiday season.
Posted on Dec-08-2011
Getting the word out about your e-commerce store
As every business owner knows, getting the word out about the company, services, and products can be a monumental block to overcome. With the advent of the Internet, businesses initially found it easier to make themselves known. But now with everyone competing globally for recognition, it takes more effort to get people talking about you than simply posting a Twitter update every now and then.
Posted on Nov-22-2011
How to advertise your online business for free
The hardest part of launching a new business is getting the attention of potential customers. Advertising is necessary, but traditional forms of advertising can quickly become expensive. However, using the Internet for both business and advertising can cut costs tremendously.
Posted on Nov-04-2011