Fred Crowe's Article in Writing

1411 Eulogies are the happy way to say goodbye
Eulogies should summarise a life and celebrate all the deceased has done and been.
Posted on Apr-11-2011

1305 Commencement speeches should start graduates off on the right note
Commencement speeches give the speaker an opportunity to touch hearts, reach minds and influence actions.
Posted on Apr-11-2011

1415 Retirement is not the end of the road
Retirement speeches should be short and speak about future as well as past activities.
Posted on Apr-11-2011

2449 Graduation speeches depend on the graduates
Graduation speeches should give a powerful message as to the contribution each individual can make in life.
Posted on Apr-11-2011

1145 Student Council speeches are a preparation for life.
Student Council speeches need to be lively and light-hearted yet businesslike in the extreme.
Posted on Mar-10-2011

1971 Graduation day is a day of mixed emotions.
Graduation is a day when what you say and how you say it matters. Graduation speeches, should, therefore, be prepared with care.
Posted on Mar-10-2011

1028 Wedding speeches should suit the occasion.
You don’t have to lose sleep over preparing those wedding speeches. Just say what’s in your heart.
Posted on Mar-09-2011

1257 Inspirational speeches can change lives.
Inspirational speeches have to reach out to people and, hopefully, make them want to do the same.
Posted on Mar-09-2011

825 Speech topics are as varied as the people who give speeches.
Speech topics are endless. They simply reflect the attitudes and interests of the speaker.
Posted on Mar-09-2011

876 Commencement is the start of something great.
Commencement is a time for speeches giving sound advice, great encouragement and inspiring ideas.
Posted on Mar-09-2011

948 Speeches can change the world, or your corner of it.
Speeches are one way of making occasions special. Whether it is a Christening or a conference what you say, and how you say it, really matters.
Posted on Feb-03-2011

889 A groom’s speech should be a well prepared.
The groom should do his homework if he wants his speech to say it all.
Posted on Feb-03-2011

1157 Best Man speeches should sound effortless
Best Man’s speeches need a lot of hard work but it pays on the day.
Posted on Feb-03-2011

871 Commencement speeches should be guidebooks for life.
Commencement speeches should plant the seed of enthusiasm for the future.
Posted on Feb-01-2011

895 Wedding speeches are ageless.
Wedding speeches express the feelings of the speaker, whatever his role.
Posted on Feb-01-2011

1442 The father of the groom speeches are not an afterthought
The father of the groom’s speech should be short and specific. He should speak of a marvellous son, a beautiful daughter in law and her excellent in-laws. That says it all.
Posted on Jan-28-2011

1336 Speech topics depend on your audience
choosing the right speech topics is an art that pays dividends for a public speaker. It separates the good public speaker from the average one. By deciding on the right subject for a particular audience that speaker can influence and entertain and make a real occasion of a particular event.
Posted on Jan-28-2011

1416 Commencement Speeches are all about Achievements and Challenges
Commencement speeches challenge the speaker to inspire and the graduates to listen and learn. A good speech will make a deep impression and give a memory for life.
Posted on Jan-28-2011

1058 Wedding speeches should have love as their theme.
Wedding speeches should, above all, be about love and commitment and the real meaning of marriage.
Posted on Jan-06-2011

818 Maid of Honor speeches are particularly personal
Maid of Honor speeches are speeches that have just one theme. That theme is a friendship that wants only the best for her friend and her new husband.
Posted on Jan-06-2011

783 Inspirational speeches can make a difference
Inspirational speeches encourage us to be better people or achieve more in some way,
Posted on Jan-06-2011

824 Best man’s speeches don’t have to be a problem
The best man’s speeches are the ones that create the ideal atmosphere on the wedding day. They should be light-hearted and express his special relationship with the groom and his best wishes to the couple.
Posted on Jan-05-2011

959 Father of the Groom Speeches are the Icing on the Cake
Father of the groom speeches need research and practise and of course they must be sincere. It helps to make it memorable too if there is a little humour and an unusual ending.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

933 Funeral Speeches are the Last Goodbye
Funeral speeches are challenging to write but can comfort the bereaved and leave a lasting memory.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

734 A Best Man’s Speech Should Make Them Smile
A best man’s speech should summarise the atmosphere of the day. It needs plenty of homework and humour but only of the nicest kind.
Posted on Dec-02-2010