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Niamh Crowe, 18 Vernon Rise, Clontarf, Ireland – 3 Phone: +353 86 2531518, Toll Free 1-800 961-5617, ,
18 Vernon Rise, Clontarf, Ireland – 3

Speech topics are as varied as the people who give speeches.

Posted On : Mar-09-2011 | seen (728) times | Article Word Count : 422 |

Speech topics are endless. They simply reflect the attitudes and interests of the speaker.
Speech topics are not difficult to find. You can look at the dictionary and simply choose some words that inspire you to speak. Alternatively, you can find a saying or quotation and write about that. You may choose to speak about a subject dear to your heart or you may decide to speak out against something that angers you.

If you opened the dictionary at the letter B for example your speech topics might include burglars or bureaucracy. You might choose to speak about the saying “Better red than dead” or “The most important things aren’t things.” You could, of course speak about your favourite sport, hobby or person or you might choose to express your belief that abortion is murder. If you want to speak with passion choose a topic that inflames you.

The Bible gives you plenty of ammunition for a good speech topic. You could speak about sin, or Hell or even Heaven. You could express your belief in any one of the three or indeed your disbelief. Pick up any magazine or newspaper and you will find you have an opinion on something written there. Health is a subject with so many sub-categories that you might talk about it for ever. In fact you could become quite an expert on it. Wealth too is a subject that interests most people and you can speak about having it or lacking it.

Nobody should have a blank mind when it comes to speech topics. Everybody has had a dream at some time so perhaps you could explain them in a speech. We all use body language and your audience would find it very interesting to know exactly what they are saying when they rub their hands on their heads for instance. Dyslexia doesn’t only mean being unable to do your homework. It means you cannot read safety instructions, the rules of the road or danger signs. Certainly you would be unable to write a speech.

Speech topics can include talking about famous people such as Pele but maybe you would like to speak about an unsung hero or heroine in your life. Your speech topic could be families and you could talk about grandmothers and grandfathers and their importance. Speech topics could include everything from shyness to success or even stress.

Obviously speech topics should be suited to the audience in question but, like a box of chocolates, once you look at them you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Article Source : topics are as varied as the people who give speeches._55160.aspx

Author Resource :
Niamh Crowe has written Speeches for 20 years & taken Speech Writing as a Profession. She has written thousands of speeches for every event and occasion.

Keywords : Speeches, speech, speeches, online speeches, free speeches, Speech Writers, commencement speeches, graduation speeches, write,

Category : Writing and Speaking : Writing

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