Francis Pryor's Article in Business

152 Is Your Franchise Recruitment Strategy Giving You The Right Franchisees.
One of the most critical elements of any franchise business is its franchisee. Organizations spend millions of dollars in acquiring the right franchisee throughout their business cycle.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

120 Franchise Consultants India for Sound Business Strategies
Franchise Consultants India specialize in growing and advancing small and medium sized businesses and can formulate professional and sound business strategies and goals.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

170 Business Consultants – Help you Run your Business Successfully
Business consultancy offer consultation assistance to business enterprises experiencing some problem on a contractual or temporary basis depending on the importance of the situation at hand and time accessibility.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

187 Choose Right Franchise Consultants for Successful Franchise
Developing and defining a solid franchise-marketing program is one of the key elements involved for franchise consultant in a franchise program.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

115 Avail Franchising Consultants for Profitable Business
Franchising consultants are the medium between franchisee and the franchisors. They act as the link between these two entities.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

149 Reaching Out To A Reputed Franchise Consultancy for Growth: An Option or A Necessity.
What is the surest way to have 100 units of my business across the country? Somebody asked me after one of my speeches at those franchise networking seminars, during the open session.
Posted on Dec-22-2011

179 Creating A Franchise Marketing Strategy For Your Business.
Franchising in India is all set to explode. Conservative industry estimates point to 1500 organized franchise systems in place and that is certainly all set to grow geometrically.
Posted on Dec-22-2011

134 Effective Business Plan – The Surest Way To Make Your Business Succeed.
There is no one right way to prepare a business plan. An effective business plan tells a great story and draws the reader in.
Posted on Dec-22-2011

217 What You Need to Know Before Signing a Franchise Agreement
You have done your research and have chosen a franchise business opportunity. You like the business and want to go ahead...but there is a hurdle in between. The company has given you its franchise agreement template and wants you to sign the same and then get started with the business.
Posted on Nov-15-2011

165 Franchising in India: How to Choose the Right Franchise Opportunity to Start.
Franchising in India is gaining popularity amongst prospective entrepreneurs. From Business owners who are seeking to diversifications to professionals who want to quit their jobs and take up a franchise business, to students who want to get started with an entrepreneurial venture, all of them are eyeing at several options and franchising seems to be the preferred choice to start a business.
Posted on Nov-15-2011

175 How to Buy a Master Franchise & what you must do before you sign a Master Franchise Agreement.
Almost all companies that want to expand into newer geographies or into global markets, generally have a Master Franchise Model or a Master Franchise Business Plan configured to work within that market with large local players, (High Net worth Groups, Large Business Houses, Senior Professionals within an Industry or for that matter investors who are seeking large investments in tested franchise business models) of that country and get access to the markets and immediate penetration. ‘Master Fran
Posted on Nov-15-2011

461 Franchise Marketing –Sparkleminds Success Formulafor Your Franchise Business.
The success or failure of any franchise system depends hugely upon the quality of its franchisee. At the same time, the quality of the franchisee depends on the franchise marketing program and the franchise recruitment exercise.
Posted on Oct-27-2011