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Is Your Franchise Recruitment Strategy Giving You The Right Franchisees.

Posted On : Jan-23-2012 | seen (152) times | Article Word Count : 789 |

One of the most critical elements of any franchise business is its franchisee. Organizations spend millions of dollars in acquiring the right franchisee throughout their business cycle.
One of the most critical elements of any franchise business is its franchisee. Organizations spend millions of dollars in acquiring the right franchisee throughout their business cycle. It is a long term activity and involves careful engagement.

You shouldn’t just be looking for someone to buy your franchise when you are looking at potential franchisees. You should be in search of people who will facilitate to develop and grow your brand, retain the quality of your products or services and live equal to the standards of service you and your consumers expect from your brand. You will have to have your franchisee profiling done much in advance, to be very clear as to who your franchisee would be and what you expect them to do.

Franchise recruitment and franchise marketing are two exercises by which as a franchisor you engage prospective franchisees. Basically they both end in the same thing – a new franchisee for the business. Though, there are key differences in how you use each of these methods to further your franchise business.

In the long run, having a properfranchise recruitmentstrategy will always be the more effective method than to just randomly market the franchise and recruit franchisees. You limit your liabilities and create a good working relationship with your franchisee when you follow a well thought out franchise recruitment process. It is extremely important to develop good, strong relationships with your franchisees as they are the faces driving your brand locally.

You are adopting the same principles a business would while trying to recruit a new employee when you adopt the franchise employment approach. You are looking to select the right candidate for your franchise, someone who can show that they match the business’s objectives, operations and ethics.

The most crucial thing that a franchisor must have is an effective and solid marketing and advertising planto achieve success in getting a franchisee. This plan is generally a combination of 2 factors, 1 being marketing for the product or service and the other being marketing for the franchise itself. Intelligent organizations use both of these effectively to rub off on each other.Franchise marketing raises brand awareness and enables the brand to provide a consistent image that consumers and potential franchisees can identify with on a national basis and increases brand awareness. This in turn increases profits at franchisee level as it drives footfall to the existing outlet and keeps the funnel full for the franchise recruitment team.

If you look at an entrepreneur’s perspective, they find it is very critical to runthe franchise successfully,with adequate marketing support from the franchisor.As the franchisor will have a fee that the entrepreneur pays for marketing, they will always make sure that the franchisorprovides a great marketing plan for franchisethat will help generate business for the franchise.The expenses like TV commercials, print advertisements, and direct mailings to both potential and existing customers should be covered by the marketing plan. Further a good marketing plan also covers fees that you may pay for advertising agencies for in-house marketing.

Whether the franchisor will listen to marketing suggestions from franchisees about future marketing is another aspect to consider. Since this is a way to stay fresh with their marketing and gain many new ideas that can lead to success for the whole franchise family, a good franchisor should certainly do this. What worked afew years ago is most likely not going to work now.In the present digital age and social media engagement, we can say, what worked a couple of months ago, might be passé, with technology and mediums of communications changing so rapidly.

Several franchise organizations also outsource the entire franchise recruitment process to franchise marketing consultancies. These companies have experts and are completely focused only on the franchise acquisition process for several clients. They club several marketing initiatives and ensure that they are able to reach out to the right franchisee candidates depending upon the brief they have received from the franchisor. They combine result oriented franchise marketing activities and use their networking abilities and other skills for franchise recruitment. It is not a bad idea to hire franchise marketing consultants if your organization is not very large and you do not want to build overheads in appointing a complete team and managing huge costs, which at most times do not guarantee results.

Whatever mechanism you choose, you must be extremely careful of what franchise marketing tools you use and how you go about your organizations franchise recruitment process. In the long run the health of your business will entirely depend upon the quality of your franchisee, who in turn will come in,with the right franchise sourcing, training and ongoing support.

Article Source : Your Franchise Recruitment Strategy Giving You The Right Franchisees._137616.aspx

Author Resource :
Sparkleminds gives you information in relation to any Franchisee, franchise recruitment and Franchise Business prospect accessible in the competitive market. Here you can acquire all the tips necessitated for franchise marketing program.

Keywords : franchise recruitment, franchise marketing,

Category : Business : Business

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