Barneyi's Article in Health and Fitness
Lower Back Pain: Pain which can ruin your Life.
Lower back pain is the pain, which is felt by anybody in the lower portion of his back and it can develop as a result of continuous sitting, standing or lifting on daily bases.
Posted on Feb-02-2012
Seasonal affective disorder: The Triggered Brain Response To Decreased Daylight Exposure.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of mental disorder, which is found in that part of globe, which is unable to receive the sunlight for maximum duration of time in a particular season.In such disorder, person feel depressed, low energized and unexplained fatigues.
Posted on Jan-31-2012
Back Pain: Prevention Is Better Than Cure
Back Pain is pain felt in the low or upper back of the body, which usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints and sometimes due to the other structure in the spine (known as inflammation of the spine).this pain mostly expressed when pressure is applied to the back. Back pain can be constant stay in one place or it can be radiate to other part of the body, like it can be radiate to the upper back part of the body like (arms and hand) or to the lower back portion of the body( like
Posted on Jan-25-2012
Sad Lights: The Efficient Way To Cure S.A.D
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of mood disorder, in which human being have normal health especially mental health throughout the year but experience depressive symptoms in the particular season (winter summer, spring or autumn).Valkee Sad Light is a type of light therapy box, which is the most effective way to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder and increase energy and cognitive performance.
Posted on Dec-26-2011
Valkee: Brain Stimulation Headset
Valkee is a brain stimulation headset, which is a substitute of the mood-elevating effects of the sun, by channeling safe bright light directly to photosensitive regions of the brain through the ear canal. It can be more described as, it is the headset, which shoots ray of white light into the ear canal to prevent S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder).It is also used to treat and cure S.A.D. Valkee actually increases energy in the body specially in mind which can act as a preventative or treatment
Posted on Dec-06-2011