What is driver performance management?
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Driver performance management consists in monitoring the behaviour of drivers in order to identify individual training needs.
Driver performance management consists in monitoring the behaviour of drivers in order to identify individual training needs. It entails vehicle tracking, which usually involves mounting a lightbar and buzzer on the dashboard in the vehicle, in order to help the driver to evaluate his or her driving. Through dynamic reporting, a series of reports provide detailed information on each driver’s behaviour with long-term trend analysis and detailed regional and vehicle information.
The main aims of driver performance management are to significantly reduce both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. This allows companies to reduce overall running costs, at a time when fuel prices are continually increasing, and also to minimize the environmental impact of the vehicles on the environment. This aspect of fleet tracking is thus a sustainable approach to fleet management.
On a practical level, driver performance management aims to identify individual training needs and to encourage better, safer and more economical and ecological driving. This includes:
- Less harsh acceleration and braking
In order to economize the use of fuel, it is essential to slow down progressively, gradually decreasing in speed and gear.
- More anticipation of traffic lights and congestion
Anticipating traffic lights, obstacles, traffic jams or congestion means that driving will be smoother, safer and more economical. Gradual, rather than brusque braking results in significant fuel saving.
- Maintaining a constant speed
Driving at a constant speed is not only more economical and ecological, it is also a lot more comfortable for the passengers of the vehicle and for other drivers. It also improves road safety.
- Using the highest possible gear
Driving with the highest possible gear significantly reduces fuel consumption and does not damage the engine of the vehicle in any way.
- Vehicle maintenance
It is imperative to ensure that vehicles are properly maintained in order to reduce fuel consumption. The main points to check are the following:
- there must be sufficient air in the tyres at all times
- the vehicle must not carry unnecessary weight, roof racks or other such fittings
- the geometry of the vehicle requires regular checking
- the oil must be changed regularly
- it is important to choose your fuel well as some brands guarantee better performances than others.
Driver performance management thus appears to be indispensable for professional transport companies. By reducing running costs, it enables companies to become increasingly competitive and also helps to promote the comfort and security of the driving team and the clients. Generally speaking, the financial benefits resulting from the use of an efficient driver performance management service far outweigh the costs involved in the initial investment in such a system.
This overview of driver performance management demonstrates how intelligent vehicle tracking, using the latest technologies, together with the training of driving teams, can result in substantial economies for companies involved in professional transport. And for those who are not involved in professional transport, adopting a more economical and ecological way of driving can lead to a significant reduction of fuel consumption (up to 20 %).
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_What is driver performance management?_229650.aspx
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For effective mobile resource management and asset tracking, Masternaut provides a variety of products and solutions. Fleet tracking using the latest technologies will contribute to reducing the running costs of your company, thereby making your business venture more competitive and successful.
Keywords :
asset tracking, vehicle tracking, trailer tracking, driver performance management, fleet management, fleet tracking, tracking,
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Travel and Leisure