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Charlotte Ava has 2 Published Articles

United States of America,
usa – Gives Special Offers

Posted On : Feb-24-2011 | seen (406) times | Article Word Count : 429 |

One of the UK's leading contract hire and Vehicle Leasing companies, provides you a variety of vehicle funding and fleet solutions, no matter whether you are looking for business, or personal contract hire or corporate leasing.
Car Leasing and contract hire have become very popular in the UK with many firms who regularly need new vehicles for their staff members in the purpose to expand their businesses without any large initial expenditure. The reason is that, with this way of investing, the customer does not require to wait to accumulate any funds to purchase a vehicle that may have a risk of high rate of depreciation. This is also the reason why contract hire has become so popular method of funding for business firms, who can use it to finance their firm vehicles.

One of the UK's leading contract hire and Vehicle Leasing companies, provides you a variety of vehicle funding and fleet solutions, no matter whether you are looking for business, or personal contract hire or corporate leasing. Their aim is to deliver competitive finance & leasing options, they are able to independently source both car & finance to offer the package of vehicle and finance you want.

Today, they have evolved as a sizable company with a good amount of revenue and a leading provider in contract hire and car leasing. As car leasing company, they have made intelligent tie ups with car manufactures to get spares at a very concessional rate and subsequently passing the benefit to the customer to make it win-win.

The intelligence is also reflected in the process they follow. They have a complete online back office with an integrated web presence. Customer can choose the right car or product from the front end web page with filters of model, price, type of contract and availability. On selection of the vehicle, customer contacts the back office. Back office in turn works on a nearly online paperless system which reduces the turnaround time significantly and also simplifies the process with transparency. This is almost unique in the market where the usual turnaround time is significant owing to paper processing.

Today dedicated account managers are there to help customers in their advertisement campaign. New business managers focuses on steady and ever growing (the company has a growth trend of 100% year on year) market. They are backed by a solid team of IT developers to build, run and maintain the engine.

So, whether you are looking for a contract hire or a cheap car leasing agreement or an economical purchase plan, simply choose to get started. A wide variety of vehicles and plan options are available to help you in finding the best solution for your individual requirements.

Article Source : – Gives Special Offers_53696.aspx

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Keywords : Contract Hire, Car Leasing,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Cars

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