The Problems Associated With Bathing Your Dog
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Unfortunately, dogs aren’t dexterous enough to wash their own hair – let alone walk themselves down to the shops and make an over the counter purchase or buy dog shampoo online.
Unfortunately, dogs aren’t dexterous enough to wash their own hair – let alone walk themselves down to the shops and make an over the counter purchase or buy dog shampoo online.
What this ultimately means for you is that you are going to have to take on the full responsibility of buying dog shampoo and washing your dog’s hair on its behalf.
The Difficulties of Getting Your Dog into the Bathtub
Over the course of history we have endured great trials of will and perseverance; we have crossed oceans, scaled mountainous ranges, harnessed the power of electricity and navigated all manner of personal trials and problems. Yet, the fact of the matter is, no singular problem or trial that humanity had endured is as difficult as the trial of getting a dog into a bathtub.
When you begin to run a bath for a dog they immediately sense that something is wrong. For a start, you are running a bath with all of your clothes on and then you start to call out your dog’s name in the same kind of voice that you use talk to babies with.
The Reason Why Dogs Don’t Like Having Baths
Dogs don’t like having baths as a bath takes a dog out of its comfort zone – which is a zone made up of mud, dirt and hair.
When you attempt to lift your dog into the bathtub on the majority of occasions you will be confronted with a mild form of growling.
Pet psychologists who can communicate with dogs have noted that this low growling sound that dogs make before they get into the bath translates into our own language as, ‘I hope that you’ve bought me some nice dog shampoo.’
If you think about it, when we humans buy a shampoo for ourselves it is a product that is specifically used for our head hair. In addition to purchasing shampoo the human shopper will then generally also opt to buy some kind of body wash or shower gel. What you have to remember, when shopping for the best dog shampoos, is that a dog’s hair tends to cover the entire surface area of its body. Therefore, the best shampoo for a dog combines ingredients that both help to care for your dog’s coat as well as your dog’s skin. Indeed, a good dog shampoo will not only protect against fleas and skin problems, but should also help to nourish and bring shine to your dog’s coat.
Why Take Three Bottles into the Bath When You Can Take One?
The multi-purpose properties of dog shampoo means that you can take one bottle into the bath rather than three. When you buy dog shampoo you are buying three items in the same product – a dog shampoo, a dog body wash and a dog skin care applicator. So whilst dogs are unlucky in the sense that they don’t easily fit into human bath tubs, on the flipside, they only really ever need to take one bottle into the shower and not three.
Make bath times more enjoyable for your pooch by opting for a dog shampoo product that combines three products in one. This means that you protect your pets coat and skin by helping to keep your dog looking healthy and happy.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_The Problems Associated With Bathing Your Dog_267509.aspx
Author Resource :
Richard Hawkins is a frequent contributor of content for Perfect Pet Skin; he has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding animal skin and coat conditions but especially on such subjects as dog mange and skin conditions in dogs and caring for some of these conditions.
Keywords :
dog shampoo, dog skin problems, dog mange, horse shampoo, skin conditions in dogs, skin problems in dogs,
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