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The Great Usability of a Manual Stacker

Posted On : Jan-17-2010 | seen (887) times | Article Word Count : 375 |

Manual Stacker is mostly needed for food manufacturing units. Food manufacturers need to vertically stack many a stuff so as to avert sticking to each other at the time of packaging, refrigeration etc. With the help of stackers, the problem can be resolved and production speed can also be enhanced.
Gone are the days when heavy duty tasks used to be or rather had to be carried out by workers manually. Today, in the age of automation, when everything is being controlled by machines, heavy duty tasks that need to be performed in the industrial sectors; factories and manufacturing units have been majorly taken over by machines and computers. There are many activities that take place in a factory everyday like lifting, pallet handling etc. these are the things that call for huge amounts of manual labor which in turn call for massive manpower which, not every manufacturing unit can afford due to various issues. Whatever may be the case, automated equipments have done more benefit to industries than anything else. Let’s talk about the features and benefits of some indispensable automated factory equipments.
Manual Stacker: stackers are mostly needed for food manufacturing units. Food manufacturers need to vertically stack many a stuff so as to avert sticking to each other at the time of packaging, refrigeration etc. With the help of stackers, the problem can be resolved and production speed can also be enhanced. Unloading goods has also become easy.
Let’s take a look at the specs of a good manual stacker,
• Capacity should be 300-1000 kg.
• Should be able to lift things up to 3500 mm heights (both mono and telescopic)
• Attachments should be fixed for additional lifts
• Fork or platform-both types of designs should be available
• Should be repairable
• It should be operated with hand and feet both
• Should provide a good maneuverability
• Should be a good substitute to forklifts
Another item that has a great usability in the world of manufacturing units is an electric tow vehicle. Electric tow vehicles are of great help to ease factory labor. They can pull over immensely heavy weights to distant directions; though they are a bit more expensive than fuel operated tow vehicles, the kind of output they provide is really worth the money. They emit less pollution, work better than fuel tow vehicles and reduce overhead costs for the factory owner. What more can you ask for if you happen to be the owner of a manufacturing unit?

Article Source : Great Usability of a Manual Stacker_5950.aspx

Author Resource :
Author’s HTML: Issac Gates is an mechanical engineering who is working for an construction company. He has good knowledge on Electric tow vehicles. For more information he recommends to visit

Keywords : manual stacker, electric tow vehicles,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Vehicles

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