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Savage Wolves in Christ's Name

Posted On : Sep-23-2011 | seen (540) times | Article Word Count : 3725 |

What do the History books have to say about Christendom under the Rulership of the "Holy" Roman Empire? Some people will only believe the truth when it's presented by cold hard facts. The items here are such. They will shock some and disgust others, but they are only presented to tell the truth in it's entirety. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." (Proverbs 27:6)

What do the History books have to say about Christendom under the Rulership of the "Holy" Roman Empire? Some people will only believe the truth when it's presented by cold hard facts. The items here are such. They will shock some and disgust others, but they are only presented to tell the truth in it's entirety. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." (Proverbs 27:6) "Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities." (Psalm 141:5) "The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd." (Ecclesiastes 12:11)

Savage Wolves in the Name of Christ

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:28-30) - KJV Bible

Indeed, shortly after the apostles died off, Rome took over and made Christianity a State-Religion. This began a reign of terror where many evil and horrible things were done in the name of Christ. History will testify to the cruelties done in the name of Christendom. Complete with her "holy Crusades," "Holy Wars," burnings at the stake, Torture, "Holy" Inquisitions, plunder, greed, rape, murder, and the list goes on. No wonder they were called the dark ages.

"Until the end of the 18th century, torture was normal investigative procedure in the Catholic church..." - From a 1989 speech by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

"In Italy, the Inquisition was condemning people to death until the end of the eighteenth century, and inquisitional torture was not abolished in the Catholic Church until 1816." - Carl Sagan, esteemed scientist

"There has been no more organized effort by a religion to control people and contain their spirituality - than the Catholic Inquisition... Pope Innocent III declared "that anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of God - which conflicted with Church dogma must be burned without pity." - Helen Ellerbe (author of The Dark Side of Christian History)

"The cruelest aspect of the inquisitional system was the means by which confessions were wrought : the torture chamber....Torture remained a legal option for the (Catholic) Church from 1252 when it was sanctioned by Pope Innocent IV - until 1917 when the new Codex Juris Canonici was put into effect." - Helen Ellerbe (author of The Dark Side of Christian History)

"In Rome, in 1849, I myself visited every convent. I was present at all the investigations. Without a single exception we found instruments of torture, and a cellar with the bodies of infant children." - The Italian patriot, Garibaldi

"The writers of the middle ages are full of accounts of nunneries that were like brothels, of the vast multitude of infanticides within their walls, and of that inveterate prevalence of incest among the clergy..." - (History of European Morals, Vol. II, p. 331)

"The Holy Inquisition, one of mankind's supreme horrors." - Instruments of Torture: Medieval to Modern

"Pope Innocent IV authorized torture in 1252, and the Inquisition chambers became places of terror. Accused heretics were seized and locked in cells, unable to see their families, unable to know the names of their accusers. If they didn't confess quickly, unspeakable cruelties began." - Instruments of Torture: Medieval to Modern

"So that the torturers would not be disturbed by the shrieking of the victim, his mouth was stuffed with cloth. Three and four-hour sessions of torture were nothing unusual. During the procedure the instruments were frequently sprinkled with holy water." - Instruments of Torture: Medieval to Modern

"The (Catholic) church was responsible for persecuting Jews, for the Inquisition, for slaughtering heretics by the thousand, for reintroducing torture into Europe as part of the judicial process... Popes appointed and sacked even emperors, demanded that they impose Christianity on their subjects under the threat of torture and death...The cost to the Gospel message was horrendous." -The book (Vicars of Christ)The Dark Side of the Papacy by Peter De Rosa

"It comes as a shock to discover that, at a stroke, a pope killed far more Christians than (the pagan ruler) Diocletian. . . . Pope Innocent had no qualms about using Christ's name to do everything that Christ objected to." - The book (Vicars of Christ) The Dark Side of the Papacy by Peter De Rosa (Pope Innocent III of the early 13th century)

"In the pope's name, the inquisitors were responsible for the most savage and sustained onslaught on human decency - in the history of the human race." - The book (Vicars of Christ) The Dark Side of the Papacy by Peter De Rosa

"The principal accusation against those who are subject to (the torture of the inquisition) is heresy...of any who read the Bible in the common language..." - Fox's Book of Martyrs (Chapter 5 An Account of the Inquisition) Author, John Foxe (1516-1587)

"We never in all our lives felt so thankful for the Reformation, which had vested us in the privilege of reading our Bible without having our limbs torn and our body mangled." - History of the Papacy Book 3 Chapter 3 by J.A. Wylie

"The greater his wealth the greater his danger. They destroy the life to possess the property; and, under the pretence of zeal, plunder each obnoxious individual." - Fox's Book of Martyrs (Chapter 5 An Account of the Inquisition) Author: John Foxe (1516-1587)

"The Church was absolutely corrupted because it had absolute power. In the days of the Inquisition, the Roman Church owned about one fourth of all land of France. Most of this property was stolen from the victims burned at the stake. The booty of the so-called heretics were stolen by the Church and by the State. Just converted Jews were sometimes taken to the stake only to steal their properties. The excuse was to save them before they could return to Judaism." - (LA PAGE NOIR DE CHRISTIANISME) Enrico Ribone

"Thus the whole form and character given to his church by Jesus Christ were destroyed and lost. It was erected into a great hierarchy. And Messiah was dethroned. It was no longer the church of Christ... instead... It was fashioned upon the principles of paganism... And upon this substantially, has been since modeled the union of church and state in every other country!" - Noel, Union of Church and State, pp. 37-39

Even Now

"In the past local Catholic hierarchies almost always supported the wars of their nations, blessing troops and offering prayers for victory, while another group of bishops on the other side publicly prayed for the opposite outcome. . . . The contradiction between the Christian spirit and the conduct of war. . . seems increasingly clear to many, as weapons grow more brutal." - The New York Times

Rwanda - "In 1994, around 800,000 people in Rwanda were massacred...After the killing, the Catholic church shielded priests and bishops who were implicated in the slaughter and helped some of the most notorious to flee abroad. " - Rwanda (10 years on) Monday March 29, 2004 The Guardian Unlimited

"How could God fearing nuns, and even a bishop, take part in the most cruel crimes against humanity committed on African soil ? Even worse, several church societies allegedly were co-responsible for the growing hatred that led to the genocide. It remains an enormous contradiction to the Christian Message of Love." - The Cross and the Genocide; Afrol News By Rainer Chr. Hennig, afrol News, 2001

"The accusations against clergy of the Free Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Seventh-Day Adventist Churches are equally shocking. According to survivors...they helped the militia carry out a massacre...on 9 April 1994. The President of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and a former vice-president of the World Council of Churches, is alleged to have worked closely with the killers in the Presbyterian stronghold of Kirinda betraying parishioners, according to a report by African Rights." - The Cross and the Genocide; Afrol News By Rainer Chr. Hennig, afrol News, 2001

"Not only were Christian members of the congregations of every single denomination in Rwanda - responsible for the most appalling atrocities, but many massacres took place in the parishes where the targets of the genocide had sought sanctuary." - The Cross and the Genocide; Afrol News
By Rainer Chr. Hennig, afrol News, 2001

"As recently as 1994, the Anglican and Catholic Church have been involved in unchristian practices in the small African country of Rwanda. Both Anglican and Catholic nuns and priests were directly involved in the brutal murdering of Tutsi citizens." - Andrew Maykuth Online The Philadelphia Inquirer Rwanda: Aftermath of Genocide Part 3: September 8, 1998

Croatia - "As horrible as is the Nazi Holocaust, few people are aware of the fact that the Roman Catholic authorities in the Catholic nation of Croatia conducted a holocaust of it's own against the non-Catholics of that nation and it's brutality was such that it shocked the Nazi Germans who witnessed it." - The sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century By Avro Manhattan

Supporting Hitler - "Christians constituted a wellspring of support for Hitler." Steve Allen notes that in the 1930s, Nazi Germany "was the most church-affiliated nation in Europe. The German people were almost entirely Catholic and Lutheran. Despite such factors they launched the Holocaust and World War II." Charles Kimball adds that the Holocaust "would NOT have happened without the active participation of, sympathetic support of, and relative indifference exhibited by large numbers of Christians." - Hitler's Christianity

"Even after World War II, Catholic assistance to the Nazis continued. The Vatican aided the escape of more Nazis than did any other governmental or private organization. The Protestant influence on Nazi Germany was no better, because Hitler is said to have admired the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, more than any other German. Among Luther's many denunciations of the Jews, there are such religious sentiments as, "The Jews deserve to be hanged on gallows seven times higher than ordinary thieves," and "We ought to take revenge on the Jews and kill them." - Hitler's Christianity)

"One of the benefits of the [1933] concordat [with Hitler] was the hundreds of millions of dollars that would flow to the Roman Catholic Church through the kirchensteuer (church tax) throughout the entire war. In return, Pope Pius XII would never excommunicate Hitler from the Catholic Church NOR would he raise his voice to protest the slaughter of 6 million Jews." - (A Woman Rides the Beast, Hunt, 220-221)

"Disastrous theology had prepared the way for Hitler and his " final solution"...In spite of Christian cruelty, which to some degree prepared for the Holocaust, some Catholics still say that their church has never erred." (Peter De Rosa, in his book, Vicars of Christ: the Dark Side of the Papacy) (p.5-6)

"He (Hitler) owes this triumph, this vindication of Germany to the Catholics...The whole world has begun to ask whether Hitler and his followers know the meaning of gratitude. Time will give us the answer...." - The Catholic Times (January I8th 1935)

"The leaders of the Catholics in Germany . . . exhort their believers in and outside the Reich to do their utmost in the righteous cause of the German Nation under the leadership of Chancellor Adolf Hitler." - (Cavalcade, September 28th, 1940)

"After the completion of the final German victory - special ceremonies of gratitude to the German troops and of loyalty to Hitler - will be announced." - Attitude of German Catholics to the Nazi State: Manchester Guardian (May 24th, 1940))

"Hitler's troops entered Vienna to the pealing of the Church bells. Their ringing had been ordered by the leader of the Austrian Church, Cardinal Archbishop Innitzer, Primate of Austria. This gentleman hastened to assure the Nazis of the fidelity of himself and his Church. He issued a proclamation stating that Catholics must support without hesitation - the Great German State and its Leader - whose struggle...for power and for the
honour and unity of Germany corresponds to the voice of Divine Providence. He ordered all Catholics of the Archdiocese to pray to God for...the great revolution, and instructed them to obey all orders willingly and gladly. No other expression of the Catholic attitude reached the ears of the general public. A major reasons for Hitler's easy victory. Catholicism was responsible. In a similar way Czechoslovakia was betrayed and dismembered with the connivance of leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, who were either Nazis at heart or willing allies of Nazism. The Catholic Church of Germany has in this way actively assisted Hitler to create the conditions which made the present war possible, and must be held responsible for this fact." - (The Times, January 18th, 1935)

"At the end of the war, the Vatican aided the escape of hundreds of Nazis from Europe by issuing them with false Red Cross passports. The so-called “rat line” involved a network of European monasteries used to harbour war criminals. These were spirited out of Germany and the former Nazi occupied territories to Latin America. Mass murderers like Adolf Eichmann, Klaus Barbie and Ante Pavelic were delivered to the port of Buenos Aires disguised as priests." - Vatican beatifies anti-Semitic Pope By Peter Reydt, 19 September 2000

"Money and gold stolen from the Jews and Serbs in Yugoslavia were sent to the Vatican" - (The Guardian, December 5th 1997)

Apostate Christendom Joins Forces With Iraq

UNITED NATIONS -- Conservative U.S. Christian organizations have joined forces with Islamic governments...The new alliance, which coalesced
during the past year...has been largely galvanized by conservative Christians who have set aside their doctrinal differences, cemented ties with the Vatican and cultivated fresh links with a powerful bloc of more than 50 moderate and hard-line Islamic governments, including Sudan, Libya, Iraq and Iran." - By Column Lynch Special to The Washington Post Monday, June 17, 2002; Page A1

"The alliance of conservative Islamic states and Christian organizations has placed the Bush administration in the awkward position of siding with some of its most reviled adversaries -- including Iraq and Iran..." - By Column Lynch Special to The Washington Post Monday, June 17, 2002; Page A1

"This alliance shows the depths of perversity...On the one hand we're presumably blaming these countries for unspeakable acts of terrorism, and at the same time we are allying ourselves with them...a Mormon group...the Catholic Church and Islamic governments, are holding a conference next month at Brigham Young University School of Law." - By Column LynchSpecial to The Washington Post Monday, June 17, 2002; Page A1

Immorality (Then and Now)

"Once he became Pope Alexander VI, Vatican parties, already wild, grew wilder. They were costly, but he could afford the lifestyle of a Renaissance prince; as vice chancellor of the Roman Church, he had amassed enormous wealth. As guests approached the papal palace, they were excited by the spectacle of living statues: naked, gilded young men and women in erotic poses...the Ballet of the Chestnuts, was held on October 30, 1501. After the banquet dishes had been cleared away, the city's fifty most beautiful whores danced with the guests, "first clothed, then naked. The dancing over, the "ballet" began, with the Pope and two of his children in the best seats."- A World Lit Only by Fire (The Medieval Mind and The Renaissance) William Manchester Little, Brown & Company, 1992

"Candelabras were set up on the floor, scattered among them were chestnuts, "which," Burchard writes, "the courtesans had to pick up, crawling between the candles." Then the serious sex started. Guests stripped and ran out onto the floor, where they mounted,or were mounted by, the prostitutes. "The coupling took place," according to Burchard, "in front of everyone present." Servants kept score of each man's orgasms, for the Pope greatly admired virility, and measured a man's machismo by his ejaculating capacity. After everyone was exhausted, His Holiness distributed prizes- cloaks, boots, caps, and fine silken tunics. "The winners," the diarist wrote, "were those who made love with the courtesans the greatest number of times" - A World Lit Only by Fire, by W.Manchester

"The writers of the middle ages are full of accounts of nunneries that were like brothels...and of the prevalence of incest among the clergy, which rendered it necessary again and again to issue the most stringent enactments that - priests should NOT be permitted to live with their mothers or sisters" - (History of European Morals, Vol. 2, p. 331)

"Nuns" accused of torture, and sex assaults. Children were sexually and physically abused over three decades at one of Queensland's best known church Nazareth House in the Brisbane bayside suburb of Wynnum... nuns at the former church orphanage had sexually interfered with several girls on many occasions." - The Age (Australia), Aug. 29, 2002 By Greg Roberts

Does Being "Old" Make it Right ?

Does being "old" make it right ? Since the Catholic Church is the oldest institution of the Christian faith does that makes it infallible and right? How does this reasoning fit in with the scriptures?

The Apostasy Began Early

The New Testament predicted this (1 Timothy chapter 4; 2 Peter chapter 2; Galatians chapter 1; 2 Thessalonians chapter 2; and Acts chapter 20). In fact this apostasy was beginning to manifest itself even in Apostolic times.

The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the great apostasy: "The mystery of iniquity doth already work." (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 7)

Even at that early date (64 A.D.) he saw, creeping into the church, errors that prepare the way for the development of the corruption of pure Christianity.

"Almost imperceptibly the customs of heathenism found their way into the Christian church. The spirit of compromise and conformity was restrained for a time by the fierce persecutions which the church endured under paganism. But as persecution ceased, and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ and his apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the requirements of God, she substituted human theories and traditions." - INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH HISTORY NEW TESTAMENT PERIOD CHAPTER I

The apostle Paul again plainly foretells of the apostasy,"But the Spirit expressly saith that in latter times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats" (I Timothy 4:1-3).

Nowhere in the Bible is anyone "forbidden" to marry, and yet Rome commanded her priests and nuns with such a command. Thus corrupting pure Christianity and fashioning it after the pagan tenets of ancient Rome.

It appeared in the church that a falling away from the truth would indeed happen. Paul was not the only one who confirmed the predictions. James did in James 4:1-3; Peter in 2 Peter 2:1-2; Jude in Jude verse 4; and John in 3 John 1:9-10.

"I see the great Apostasy, I see the desolation of Christendom.....the ruined women, the murdered innocents; I hear the lying absolutions, the dying groans; I hear the cries of the victims; I hear the anathemas, the curses, the thunders of the interdicts; I see the racks, the dungeons, the stakes; I see that inhuman Inquisition, those fires of Smithfield, those butcheries of St. Bartholomew...that dreadful multitude of massacres. I see it all, and in the name of the ruin it has brought in the Church and in the world, in the name of the truth it has denied, the temple it has defiled, the God it has blasphemed, the souls it has destroyed; in the name of the millions it has deluded, the millions it has slaughtered, the millions it has damned; with holy confessors, with noble reformers, with innumerable martyrs, with the saints of ages, I denounce it as "the masterpiece of Satan," as the body and soul and essence of Antichrist." - 1880s, Dr. H. Grattan Guinness

This article only touches the tip of the iceberg. Rome took over the Christianity and corrupted it. Making it into the "Universal" religion of the State. Catholic means Universal. Many savage or wolf like acts and things have been done in the name of Jesus Christ by her. Both Catholics and her Protestant daughters are implicated in history books for their roles in bloodshed and cruelty. This is due mainly to the adoption of the trinity, and the destruction or denouncement of all other religions or creeds.

Article Source : Wolves in Christ's Name_85183.aspx

Author Resource :
The Guardian Unlimited, The Cross and the Genocide, The Catholic Church in History, Carl Sagan, The Italian Patriot Garibaldi, The Dark Side of Christianity, The New York Times, The United Nations, The King James Bible, Wikipedia, Adolf Hitler Christianity, Apostle John, Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, Jude, Guinness, The Introduction to New Testament Christianity

Keywords : saints, wolves, acts, Catholic, Protestants, rape, murder, incest, mother, sister, pope, Jesus, Christ, corrupt, holy, body, soul, antichrist, ,

Category : Society : Religion

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