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Leaving Alcoholism Behind

Posted On : Apr-12-2011 | seen (661) times | Article Word Count : 647 |

Once a person can function after a large intake of alcohol and also needs to drink in order to get through the day, it is time to look for help.
It has been said that the first step in controlling drinking is to admit that there is a problem. So many people refuse to accept that they are an alcoholic and insist that they can stop drinking whenever they want. The strange thing is many hold down good jobs and often their work is not affected. The term dates back to 1849 when it was first used by Magnus Huss but now the most acceptable term seems to be alcohol abuse. There appears to be difference of opinion in the medical profession as to whether is not it can be classed as a disease.

Once a person can function after a large intake of alcohol and also needs to drink in order to get through the day, it is time to look for help. Women are affected more quickly than men and the long term affects can be cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease and depression. Before that stage is reached it is likely that sexual performance and the ability to conceive will have been affected.

If an alcoholic insists that they can just stop drinking whenever they want and are going to do so, it will be best to get help for them. They need to want to stop but they cannot safely do it alone. Depending on the severity of the dependence the side effects can be shocking and difficult to live with. There will be anxiety, depression, seizures and possible heart failure.

Only about 15% of people with a drinking problem accept they have and get help. Often treatment is triggered as a result of a separate problem such as domestic violence or being caught drink driving.

Not all people realise the affect their drinking has on their families. There can be the embarrassment of a partner or child seeing their relative very drunk especially if they are with friends, while the financial drain it will put on the family budget means it can take a long time to recover. The violence that can occur maybe regretted the following day but the next time too much alcohol is drunk may happen again.

If there is not too much of a problem and the desire to drink has not taken over the daily life completely it may be possible to reduce intake gradually, but if there is already a recognised dependency there will be the need to seek help. The New Found Life Sober Living House of Delray Beach Florida is ready and able to help men who have accepted their problem and are serious about putting an end to their drinking. They have the set up needed to help men carry out the 12 step program that will get them back to sobriety.

If you feel that you or someone you know would benefit from the services, all details can be found here.

After the patient has been diagnosed as an alcoholic there is a set plan to be followed. Part of it will be to cure the physical side and that will require a managed withdrawal program while there will be a psychological element which will try to determine why the drinking got out of control. It is important to get the alcohol out of the system but if the reasons for drinking are not dealt with the cycle will start again.

It will be necessary to completely avoid alcohol and on occasions drugs will be prescribed such as an injection of Naltrexone (Vivitrol) which will help with the cravings.
Some people are able to walk away from the clinic and not drink again but others will need a degree of help for some time afterwards. This can include follow up sessions, someone to contact if there is the need for a drink and also learning to identify what will trigger a drinking session.

Article Source : Alcoholism Behind_58966.aspx

Author Resource :
David B Barry, Addiction Counselor
New Found Life Sober Living House Delray Beach Florida Drug & Alcohol Recovery
Recovery Sober House
1201 NE 2nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444

Keywords : Drug, Alcohol, Recovery, New Found Life Sober Living House Delray Beach Florida, halfway house, half way house,

Category : Health and Fitness : Depression

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