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Doug Poole has 2 Published Articles

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Elk Auto Transport,,

Is Your Auto Mechanic Doing the Repair Work You Paid For?

Posted On : Jan-18-2011 | seen (428) times | Article Word Count : 455 |

When it comes to working with a mechanic, it can be challenging to find someone who will charge fair rates and do the repairs properly.
When it comes to working with a mechanic, it can be challenging to find someone who will charge fair rates and do the repairs properly. After all, unless you are an auto enthusiast, chances are you won’t know just by looking at your car if an air filter was installed properly or if any other engine repair job was done correctly.

But there are a few steps you can take to ensure that the work you’ve paid an auto mechanic to do was done properly.

Ask for a written service order that details the work that was done, who did it, the time it took to do the work and an extensive list of products used to complete the job. Not only does this make sure that the mechanic is responsible for whatever repairs were done to the car, but it allows you to take the vehicle to another mechanic or shop to verify that the work was indeed completed. It helps to have a written account to hand off to the second mechanic, so he'll have the accurate work record.

- Require the mechanic to physically show you what was done and sign confirmation paperwork as such. While you may not have a good understanding of the lingo that accompanies auto repair, it still holds the mechanic more responsible if he has to physically show you everything that was done on the car. Moreover, signing confirmation paperwork to that effect gives you, as the consumer, a legal leg to stand on should something go wrong with your car resulting from the alleged repair job.

- Determine the checks and balances in place at your auto mechanic shop. In most instances, shops that have a chain of responsibility (i.e. mechanic, then service manager, then sales manager, then general manager) are most likely to ensure the work was done following the proper procedures. While there are plenty of reputable individual mechanics in the profession, when there is only one person accountable for repair work, it's hard to determine whether or not corners have been cut during the repair process.

- Bring along a knowledgeable friend or family member when you pick up your car. If they are unable to come along, ask them what questions you should ask the mechanic when you pick up your car. If the mechanic is unable to provide specific answers to questions about the repair process, parts added/replaced, exact time taken for labor, or any other general questions you have about your car, then be wary. A reputable auto repair professional should be willing to patiently explain everything that was done to your car and the price points attached to each step of the process.

Article Source : Your Auto Mechanic Doing the Repair Work You Paid For?_48973.aspx

Author Resource :
Doug Poole is the owner of Elk Auto Transport, a provider of auto shipping in Atlanta. For more information on getting a free vehicle shipping quote, please visit

Keywords : auto transport, auto shipping in Atlanta,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Cars

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