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Diabetes in Dogs

Posted On : Oct-11-2011 | seen (387) times | Article Word Count : 641 |

Diabetes in dogs is becoming more and more common. The most modern research shows that 1 in every 500 dogs is diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes in Dogs
Diabetes in dogs is becoming more and more common. The most modern research shows that 1 in every 500 dogs is diagnosed with diabetes. Having the knowledge of what causes this disease will permit you to take defensive measures to guard your dog's health.
Diabetes in dogs is found in two forms: diabetes insipidus, result of a lack of the hormone that manages water absorption by the kidneys. Diabetes mellitus, is the lack of insulin comparable to the human disease, and is the more widespread of the two types. Both result from defects in the body system that produces hormones.
Beginning of the disease is normally around seven and nine years of age. Reproductive hormones could put unsprayed female dogs at bigger risk. Particular dog breeds are hereditarily subject to developing diabetes. Keeshonds, Pulis, Miniature Pinschers, Cairn Terriers, Golden Retriever, miniature Schnauzer, and the standard Poodle, may develop diabetes at juvenile age merely as a result of the type of dog they are.
For other dogs, diabetes is the outcome of another disease in the animal which damages the cells of the pancreas, as a result branching off to diabetes. Still, for most dogs, diabetes is a result of too many carbohydrates in the diet varied with an inactive way of life, which of course leads to obesity, and eventually - diabetes.
Diabetes in dogs as in humans is incurable. Lots of research is being done to help find answers. Diabetes in dogs is controlled same as in humans. Dog owners may have to give there dogs insulin shots to control the dogs blood sugar levels. Other ways of controlling diabetes is by the diet and exercise.
Lethargy is a symptom of several dog diseases, not just diabetes. This is why it is very essential for you to pay attention to your dog's condition. Sometimes, the sluggishness of your dog may be a sign of a serious medical condition. If your dog is not alert, it might pay to believe that your dog is sick. Take it to the vet for accurate diagnosis.
A dog that drinks water greatly is likely to have diabetes. Diabetes may be the root of your dog consuming too much water because of excessive amounts of glucose, or because glucose can't be metabolized by its body as it should be. Nevertheless, the vet may prescribe a medication to revert the problem.
If your dog tends to drink a lot of water, it will urinate frequently. These two symptoms are connected to each other. Talk to your veterinarian if your dog is urinating more than common.
Because of the lack of action in your pet, you can anticipate that it will gradually gain weight. This may also be the reason that your dog isn’t able to burn as much sugar as it ought to because of the insulin deficiency it is suffering from. Weight that is gained oddly is a key cause for worry, whether is caused by diabetes or not.
The most demanding thing about canine diabetes is the truth that it may not have any signs at all. In some dogs, as well as in humans, diabetes may gradually disturb the functions of the body without displaying symptoms out-and-out. Dog owners are powerfully cautioned to take their pet to the veterinarians for regular checkups so that diabetes can be diagnosed early.
Diabetes is considered a silent killer. This is extremely true in dogs and humans. The identical level of alarm is needed in both cases so that the effects of the disease can be correctly controlled. While a permanent cure for canine diabetes is yet to be found, dogs can live an average life in spite of their health situation. Yet, they may need a lifestyle change and endure regular medications from then on.

Article Source : in Dogs_90726.aspx

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If you are concerned that your dog may be a Diabetic Dog you should take your dog to the vet for a checkup. Feeding your dog the right Dog Food can help control your dogs diabetes.

Keywords : diabetes in dogs, dogs, dog food, ,

Category : Home and Family : Pets

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