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Charles Finney Speaks Out

Posted On : Oct-05-2011 | seen (597) times | Article Word Count : 1500 |

Charles G. Finney was a 19th Century evangelist who left Freemasonry. He wrote a book on the subject of Freemasonry. It has been reissued by Crown Publication, Burlington, Ontario, Canada under the title, The Antichrist of the Masonic Society. On page 139 he states correctly: "God hold the church and every branch of it, responsible for its opinions and actions in accordance with the best light, which, in His providence, is afforded them."
Charles G. Finney was a 19th Century evangelist who left Freemasonry. He wrote a book on the subject of Freemasonry. It has been reissued by Crown Publication, Burlington, Ontario, Canada under the title, The Antichrist of the Masonic Society. On page 139 he states correctly: "God hold the church and every branch of it, responsible for its opinions and actions in accordance with the best light, which, in His providence, is afforded them."

"While Masonry was a secret, the church had no light, and no responsibility respecting it ... Hence God did not require the church to bear any testimony on the subject as long as Masonry was secret. Freemasonry is now revealed. It is no longer a secret from any who wish to be informed."

"Since these revelations (the rituals) have been made, and both the church and the world can know what Masonry really is, God demands, and the world has a right to expect, that the church will take due action and bear a truthful testimony in respect to this institution. She cannot now innocently hold her peace. The light has come. Fidelity to God, and to the souls of men, require that the church, which is the light of the world, should speak out, and should take such actions as will plainly reveal her views of the compatibility or incompatibility of Freemasonry with the Christian religion."

"...How can we fail to pronounce Freemasonry an anti-Christian institution? .. It's morality is unchristian, ... its oath-bound secrecy is unchristian, .. taking of its oaths are unchristian, ... Masonic oaths pledge its members to commit most unlawful and unchristian acts, deliver each other from difficulty whether right or wrong, favor Masonry in political action and business transactions, sworn to retaliated, to persecute unto death the violators of Masonic obligations, ...its oaths are profane, the taking of the name of God in vain, ...the penalties of these oaths are barbarous and even savage, ...its teachings are false and profane, ...its design is partial and selfish, is an enormous falsehood."

"Every local branch of the Church of Christ is bound to examine this subject, and pronounce upon this institution, according to the best light they can get. God does not allow individuals, or churches, (or pastors), to withhold action, and the expression of the opinion, until other churches are as enlightened as themselves."

"If churches who are known to have examined the subject withhold their testimony; if they continue to receive persistent and intelligent Freemasons; if they leave the public to infer that they see nothing in Freemasonry inconsistent with a creditable profession of the Christian religion, it will be justly inferred by other branches of the church, and by the world, that there is nothing in it so bad, so dangerous and unchristian as to call for their examination, action, and testimony."

"It is almost universally conceded that persistent Freemasons, who continued to adhere and cooperate with them, ought not to be admitted to Christian churches."

Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The demonic organization of Freemasonry is synonymous with spiritual wickedness in high places, i.e., places of leadership and authority. An honest student of the New World Order, and of Satan's workings in the occult, need look no further than the presence of Freemasonry in most mainstream religions for evidence of this fact.

Case in point, Charles Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (1874), was a 33rd degree Freemason. Likewise, Joseph Smith who founded the Mormons (1830) was also a 33rd degree Freemason. Oral Roberts was a 33rd degree Freemason. Ellen G. White, the most influential figure in Seventh-Day Adventism, was closely associated with Masons and has an occult obelisk parked on her grave, just as U.S. President George Washington, who was also a 33rd degree Freemason. There is an occult connection between many of the mainstream religions, and Freemasonry is usually the common denominator. Satan's purpose is to deceive, which is what false religions are all about (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15).

Here's the intent of Freemason's. I will quote their leaders, followers or admirers.

Freemasonry's purpose, as stated by Theosophist, Alice Bailey, is to infiltrate the New Testament Church and corrupt it from within. Alice Bailey, a leading spokesperson of the occultic Theosophical Society and member of Co-Masonry confirmed the occultic and Luciferian nature of Freemasonry, stated...

"The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the Law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation… a far more occult organization than can be realized… intended to be the training school for coming advanced occultists." (President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order," Dennis L. Cuddy)

Alice Bailey states the evil agenda of Freemasonry...

"There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church [false church] and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One [Antichrist] comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation." (President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order," Dennis L. Cuddy)

Alice Bailey plainly stated that Satan would infiltrate the church with Freemasonry, which is the training school for coming advanced occultists who will play their part in the establishment of the New World Order of the Antichrist. In view of such evidence, it's hard to imagine that 37% of all Southern Baptist men are Freemasons. (A 1991 survey by the Southern Baptist Convention Sunday School Board found that 14% of SBC pastors and 18% of SBC deacon board chairs are Masons. It is also estimated that SBC members comprise 37% of total U.S. lodge membership. 37% of 3,000,000 would have been 1,110,000 Masons who held membership in the SBC. This estimate was for 1991.)

Albert Pike and other Masonic leaders acknowledge their debt to Kaballah and to the Babylonian Mystery Schools. In his book, Morals and Dogma, Pike states:

"Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion... Masonry is the successor to the Mysteries."

The Jewish Kaballah, occult teachings in which Freemasonry is rooted, is said by many to have been influenced by the Babylonian Mystery religion, and it originated as oral teachings during the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews. Albert Pike (1809 to 1891), a highly influential 33rd Degree Freemason of the nineteenth century, acknowledged that the Masons derived many of their ideas from the Jewish Kaballah. In his 1871 book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Pike, says of the Jewish Pharisee tradition...
"The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kaballah by the priesthood of Israel."

Freemasonry is a religion of Jewish mysticism and occultism, which are rooted in pagan Egyptian and Babylonian religions. Here are some more quotes concerning the demonic nature of Freemasonry...

"Freemasonry is not Christianity, nor a substitute for it. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental religious truth." (Albert G. Mackey, "Encyclopedia of Freemasonry," page 162)

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it." (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," page 104)

"Drop the theological barnacles [timeless Biblical truths] from the religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry, Masonry in its purity, derived as it is from the old Hebrew Kaballa as a part of the great universal religion of the remotest antiquity." (J. D. Buck, "Mystic Masonry," page 119)

Should a Christian become a Freemason? Of course not. What fellowship does God have with Satan? "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believes with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.

Article Source : Finney Speaks Out_89024.aspx

Author Resource :
Alex Bailey, Southern Baptists Churches, King James Bible, Masons, Kaballah, Babylonian Mysteries

Keywords : Babylon, mystery, Alex Bailey, Southern Baptists, church, come, Satan, God, Masons, schools, Kaballah, members, Jesus, belial, among, them, ,

Category : Society : Religion

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