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1589 Life Juice Partners With Williams-Sonoma for Juice Cleanses and Juice Packs
Life Juice is very excited to share the news that upscale consumer retailer Williams-Sonoma is now offering exclusive packages of 100% raw, cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices and juice cleanses from Life Juice. read more...
By Ety Salamone | Feb-28-2013 | Food and Beverage

1417 8 Tricks to Teach Your Dog
Dogs are great friends and are considered to be part of a family. Spending time with dogs is entertaining and brings joy. But at the initial stages, you will find it hard to communicate with your pets. read more...
By Sheila Rausch | Feb-28-2013 | Pets

1384 Why Do Dogs Need Dog Training Classes?
If you really love your pet, it is important to take your puppy to a dog obedient training class to help encourage your pet to have great obedience. read more...
By Sheila Rausch | Feb-28-2013 | Pets

1079 Know About the Importance of Customer Feedback Programs and Their Benefits
Customers are the pillars for all business and they have the power to make or break your business. So it’s very important to shape your business based on the needs of your customer so that the market will love your product, which in turn will burgeon your sales. read more...
By Evan Kerrington | Feb-28-2013 | Business

1273 Casino Arizona Bingo Hall Audio-Visual Solutions
Bingo is a fun game that many people have a lot of fun and hopefully a little bit of luck too. If you are a fan of the game, then you will probably be quite excited to learn that the beautiful newly constructed bingo hall at Casino Arizona. read more...
By Julie Solomon | Feb-27-2013 | Business

1417 Useful and Simple Tips to Train Your Dog
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself” says Josh Billings. Per the recent statistics revealed by American Pet Products Association in 2011-2012, more than 78.2 million US citizens own dog. read more...
By Sheila Rausch | Feb-27-2013 | Pets

1966 Making Things Easier with Hospitality Carts
Your employees work hard to make your resort or hotel look its best. Employees are there to make sure that guests are happy with their experience, and they know that things need to be done efficiently and in a timely manner. read more...
By Michael White | Feb-27-2013 | Recreation and Sports

1748 Backyard Landscaping Ideas
Do you feel like your backyard could use a makeover? Do you have great space but aren’t sure what to do with it? Would you like to extend some of your home elements into the backyard? read more...
By Todd Bahan | Feb-27-2013 | Landscaping

1136 Why Should Video Walls Be Part of Your Audio-Visual Solution?
Your company, government department or education system is thinking of expanding its audio-visual solutions and potentially utilizing video walls. This is a fantastic idea because video walls are becoming more and more popular in businesses & governments all across the country. read more...
By Julie Solomon | Feb-27-2013 | Business

1417 Why a Skin Care Regimen is Important at Every Age
As a person ages many bodily changes occur, but some of the most visible are changes to one’s skin. There’s no reason to wait until middle age or after to start taking good care of one’s skin. read more...
By Jason Rosenfeld | Feb-27-2013 | Health and Fitness

1510 5 Must Know Facts on How To Apply For a Passport for Your New Born Baby
Looking to travel abroad with your new born baby? A few years ago, newborn babies were permitted to travel on air with the passport of one of their parents, but now things have changed. read more...
By Ashlee Garza | Feb-27-2013 | Travel and Leisure

1391 10 Tips to Prevent Passport Problems
You might be required to go abroad for personal or official purposes and find the need to have a passport. Passports are the kind of thing to be handled with great care. Problems like passport rejection, delays or loss of passport can arise. read more...
By Ashlee Garza | Feb-27-2013 | Travel and Leisure

1303 Things to Consider Before Applying For Tourist Visa
Spending holidays with family is a most cherished time for every person. Nevertheless, high-stress lifestyle and work hours that flow into the weekend can often keep you from the family and it can be very hard to plan a whole family get together these days. read more...
By Ashlee Garza | Feb-27-2013 | Travel and Leisure

1470 Auto Accidents and the Attorneys to Help You
By their very nature, automobile accidents are unplanned and often cause life-altering damage to both people and property. While several rules are proposed for reducing the rate and traumatic effects of accidents, the number of serious motor vehicle accidents continues to rise. read more...
By Sandy Gambone | Feb-26-2013 | Legal

923 Wireless communications - Knock out the Low Signal and No Network Issues
There are many times when we literally run around for a strong cell phone signal. The places where we tend to use the cell phones, like our office buildings, are the areas prone to poor signal reception due to various reasons. read more...
By Albert Brown | Feb-26-2013 | Business

1132 PSA Level - Precise Monitoring For Quick Detection!
The prostate specific antigen is a protein generated by prostate gland cells. Prostate specific antigen or PSA level is measured by its count in the blood. It is measured in nano-grams found per ml of blood sample. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Feb-26-2013 | Health and Fitness

737 Small Business and File Share with Secure Cloud Services
Cloud computing and free file share is swiftly moving over the small business planet. Secure cloud services are helping small and medium businesses to share large files much easily with the following benefits: read more...
By Cave Johnson | Feb-26-2013 | Business

880 Early detection for prevention of cancer of the kidney
A pair of kidneys has a vital function of cleansing impurities from the body and helps maintain cleaner body metabolism. Sometimes malignant growth of kidney cells leads to the cancer of the kidney. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Feb-26-2013 | Health and Fitness

700 Innovative Robotics in Surgery - Forget the Invasive and Unrefined methods
Technological advancement has answers to several questions. Inception of robotics in surgery has blessed millions of patients with accurate surgical procedures along with faster relief. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Feb-26-2013 | Health and Fitness

771 Get Advanced and Affordable Prostate Cancer Treatment
Most men may suffer from prostate cancer. Amazingly, men who die due to old age at 80 suffer from prostate cancer and are not aware of it. The silent growth of prostate cancer is detectable through the physical examination by the expert doctors and the pathological tests. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Feb-26-2013 | Health and Fitness

675 What You Don’t Know About The Development Of Cancer In The Bladder?
Bladder stores urine before it is passed out of the body. At times, abnormal growth of cells is observed and can lead to the development of the cancer. Most common occurrences of the cancer begin at the bladder lining. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Feb-26-2013 | Health and Fitness

826 Flying around with the Smallest Tourist made easy with Barnevogn Fly!
Traveling is real fun as a couple, but not when you are with a little kid. Many airlines and airports offer special facilities for your infants and children to travel comfortably. read more...
By Halvor Holmgren | Feb-26-2013 | Home and Family

783 Identifying and Dealing with Threats of File Share with Cloud Services
Without a doubt, the cloud platform is an exuberant file sharing and data storage service that can help share large files easily among various users from different spheres but there still may be some threats to the data. read more...
By Cave Johnson | Feb-26-2013 | Business

1145 Enjoy a Luxurious Stay at Corporate Housing Miami
Miami in Florida is an upcoming hub for real estate agents. With its scenic beauty and amazing proximity to the popular centers, there is no dearth of corporate housing Miami. read more...
By Matthew Fett | Feb-26-2013 | Real Estate

1174 How to Choose a Professional Personal Injury Attorney
“Over 31 million injuries occur to people throughout the U.S. each year that requires a doctor’s care, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Moreover, 162,000 people die from their injuries. read more...
By John Elliott Leighton | Feb-25-2013 | Legal