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1369 Keyword Research Part 3: How do I do Keyword Research?
Like a foundation for a building, there is one aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is more important than any other. Keyword research. Manually gathering all the information needed for keyword research would be prohibitively time consuming and in some cases, such as keyword popularity, impossible. Thankfully, there are people out there willing to help in a variety of ways. Some tools are free and others are not. read more...
By Kurt Steinbrueck | Mar-31-2009 | SEO

1439 10 Vital Questions To Have Answered When Purchasing A Used Vehicle
Everyone in the market for a used vehicle has the same basic need to fill, transportation, but each person has their own individual emotional needs and tastes, too. read more...
By Robert Brogden | Mar-30-2009 | Finance

1431 Tips for a Healthy Colon Through Proper Diet
The average person's diet is horrible and loaded with useless carbohydrates and sugars that stall the metabolism and have created the worst obesity epidemic the world has ever known. read more...
By Matt Peterson | Mar-30-2009 | Health and Fitness

1564 Branson Home Buying and Property Tips
As one of the top family vacation spots in the United States, there are many reasons to consider Branson Missouri as a location for your permanent or part time home. read more...
By Mark Ruda | Mar-30-2009 | Vacations

1468 Keyword Research Part 2 - Understanding Keyword Competition
Like a foundation for a building, there is one aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is more important than any other. Keyword research. There are several aspects to keyword research including competition research. Competition research is crucial to keyword research because without it you may be shooting at a target that will take years to reach and missing out on benefits along the way. read more...
By Kurt Steinbrueck | Mar-30-2009 | SEO

1425 Your best bet for Bulk SMS and Mobile Marketing
In today’s age, the world has become a smaller place, much smaller. Earlier, messengers had to ride hundreds of miles to deliver an important message. But today, whatever the distance, whatever the time, all you need is a cell phone. read more...
By mike smith | Mar-30-2009 | Mobile Phones

1242 Why Is Keyword Research Critical To SEO?
Like a foundation for a building, there is one aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is more important than any other. Without this foundation, you may be wasting all your time and resources. What is that aspect? Keyword research. Why? Well, read on my friend. read more...
By Kurt Steinbrueck | Mar-27-2009 | SEO

1824 Testing for Drugs in the Work Place is Worldwide, Not Just in U.S.
It’s easy to assume when you live in the United States that what we do in this country doesn’t always apply elsewhere. When it comes to drug testing employees for drugs and alcohol, the rest of the world is cracking the whip on drug free policies. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1577 With EtG Testing, What is The Difference Between Urine Alcohol Testing and Hair Alcohol Testing?
It can be confusing to know what the difference between EtG urine alcohol testing verses EtG Hair alcohol testing, when it comes to testing for long term alcohol use, which method is best? read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1346 Test Your Employees for Drugs and Alcohol and Take Your Office off the Statistics List
If you think about all the occupations out there that need their employees to be at the top of their game- i.e. all of them, wouldn’t it scare you to know how many employers don’t test their employees for drugs and alcohol? read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1321 New Alcohol Testing Devices Have Parents and Teachers Talking
Recent discoveries of new alcohol testing devices are changing the way teachers, high school and university counselors are screening for alcohol abuse. Most of the community is thrilled with the findings, whereas some parent’s are not so sure. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1532 Keeping Your Employees Safe and Your Office Legal
How much is too much when it comes to keeping your office safe? Is your office prepared for an emergency? Are your employees safe? What you don’t know about your employees’ habits outside work could affect your company’s overall performance. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1751 It’s No Crime Scene at Your Office- It’s just Drug Follicle Hair Testing
Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing, random testing and testing in schools and in the courts is as common place as asking for your social security number but asking for bodily fluids is still intrusive. read more...
By Rebecca Beckett | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1433 In Several Categories Hair Alcohol Testing Surpasses Traditional Methods of Testing
Breathalyzers, sweat and urine alcohol testing are all reliable methods of testing people for alcohol abuse but when compared to hair alcohol testing, no other method of alcohol testing stands up to it’s unfailing evidence. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1465 Uncovering the Myths Surrounding Drug and Alcohol Testing
We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t eat a poppy seed muffin before we go take a drug test for a new job. This and other rumors and myths are common to drug and alcohol testing. read more...
By Rebecca Beckett | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1337 Random Drug Testing May Become a High School Reality
If it were an option would you allow your teenager to undergo random drug testing to participate in high school athletics? This may be more of a reality as high schools look to ways to limit underage drug consumption. read more...
By Rebecca Beckett | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1489 Economic Cut Backs Affecting Drug Testing
It is no secret that the economy is affecting areas we never thought possible. People are losing jobs and unemployment claims are up. However, how are more obscure areas being affected? read more...
By Rebecca Beckett | Mar-27-2009 | Health and Fitness

1150 A glimpse to Unique Odessa Hotels
Odessa, the most important Sea Port of Ukraine and Former Soviet Union, is today one of the most popular tourist destination for people from all over the world. They come to admire the city that Catherine the Great made, a living monument of the Great Russian Empire. Gathering so many tourists every year, Odessa could not lack hotels of astounding service. Some of the Odessa Hotels are infamous for their quality, comfort and elegance. read more...
By Marina Zitser | Mar-27-2009 | Travel and Leisure

1162 Social Media Optimisation v/s Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing (SMM) and (SMO) are two new catch phrases that have appeared across web marketing sites over the last year. These seemingly interchangeable terms are used to define marketing through social media and social networking sites. read more...
By mike smith | Mar-26-2009 | Internet Marketing

1006 Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 6 of 10
One way to establish market differentiation is through the introduction of innovative new products. Establishing that differentiation is one thing, but maintaining it is quite another. read more...
By Bryan Seyfarth | Mar-26-2009 | Business

1313 Malaga Vacation Travel Tips
Malaga is home in southern Spain in the province of Andalusia along the Mediterranean. The entire area encompasses over 7,276M square meters. The entire region is more beautiful than you can imagine until you land and begin to explore. read more...
By Garcia Magallanes | Mar-26-2009 | Travel and Leisure

1244 Malaga Routes to enjoy with your Malaga car hire
There are all kinds of ways to embrace Malaga and one of the best ways is with a Malaga car hire. With a car of your own to travel around the various regions of Malaga you and your family will be able to embrace all the beauty, culture, and adventures at your own pace. read more...
By Garcia Magallanes | Mar-26-2009 | Travel and Leisure

1006 The 5 Apple Pickers - A Search Engine Marketing Parable
Are you not really understanding what search engine optimization is? At a small college a group of incoming freshmen marketing majors got a great explanation in the form of a story or parable. Now you can have that story too. Join us for the parable of The 5 Apple Pickers. read more...
By Kurt Steinbrueck | Mar-26-2009 | SEO

1752 Business Administration Career Options
With lots of online degree programs available today, it will be very much confusing to choose the right one. As with all the online degree programs everyone will promise that you get into an promising career as soon as you successfully complete the program. However, you cannot be certain about getting selecting in the field that you want to get into. People often make a mistake by choosing the online degree program that is most advertised on the Internet. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Mar-26-2009 | Reference and Education

1323 General Contractor or Handyman - Who do I really need
The more familiar you become with your home and the more home renovations/decorating you do, the better you’ll get at being able to decide if you need the services of handyman or a general contractor. Here are some things to consider, which will hopefully be helpful in providing some guidance in this area. read more...
By Susan Hu | Mar-25-2009 | Home Improvement