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788 Food Tripping, Shopping for your Palate
Be it at the local diner, that deli a few blocks down the road, or that hip new place that requires a reservation months in advance, eating out can be quite the shopping experience for your taste buds. The promise of new aromas and tastes await you if you can muster the courage to try out new things. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-22-2009 | Computers

894 Shopping for Hardware
Shopping and computers may not seem like a good match. Fashion, however, says otherwise. With the world becoming more and more reliant on technology, the internet and connectivity, it is almost impossible to ignore that fact that almost everyone in this world has to have a mobile phone, pocket PC or even a WiFi internet device. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-22-2009 | Computers

800 The World of Online Shopping
The internet connects people, the internet also connects businesses; the internet connects our whole world with the power of high speed data transfer and thousands of miles of cable. Yes, the internet connects people to businesses and the world of online shopping in general. A lot of businesses make profits from online sales. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-22-2009 | Computers

1203 The Therapeutic Qualities of Shopping
Nothing takes stress away better than shopping. Now this mantra may seem very biased towards women, but in general most people actually enjoy shopping. Be it clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, electronics, hardware or other collectibles, shopping is a very fun way to enjoy one’s self. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-22-2009 | Computers

For any business, you need to have regular inflow of money to keep the business running. There is no doubt, day-to-day business activities involved for which necessary cash availability is required. read more...
By cathy | Aug-22-2009 | Business

776 Finance Options for Merchants
Access to capital is radical for merchants for carrying their business forward successfully. From the time they think of trading, the need of cash arises. As the trade grows, there is call for even more money to finance the expansion. read more...
By cathy | Aug-22-2009 | Business

708 So you want your body to look like Arnold’s?
Perhaps no one has single-handedly made bodybuilding as popular as it is today than Arnold Schwarzenegger. He became Mr. Universe in 1969 and was among the most favorite of all titlists in this most prestigious bodybuilding contest. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

715 Some Mistakes to Avoid in Bodybuilding
Arguably the most common mistake you can make is not having a diet regimen of the essential nutrients and calories that support muscle bulk build-up, this can easily defeat any bodybuilding workout. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

642 Prepare to Build the Body to Die for
Serious bodybuilding is more than just a sport. It’s a mindset anchored on a determined will power to get that body you want. And it’s a disciplined lifestyle that adheres to the rigors of a strict diet structure, a workout regimen and relaxation plan. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

1036 Planning to Use Steroids to Boost Body Mass? Think Again
Now if you as a budding athlete aspire to be a champion in the sport you’ve chosen, taking in steroids for their promise of boosting performance doesn’t seem to pay off when the risk of being stripped of your crown becomes a reality right after the contest. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

676 Modern Steroids had it roots on Bodybuilders (weightlifters to be precise)
Has anyone ever wondered when and how steroids got into the sporting world? It’s interesting to know that steroids were first discovered to have a profound improvement on weightlifters in the mid 1950s. From no other than the Soviets. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

730 Even Busy Executives Can Go Bodybuilding
There’s often this misconception that bodybuilding cannot succeed unless you dedicated 100% of yourself to achieving the ideal body you want. That often requires a lifestyle centered on a training regimen to the near exclusion of just about everything else. The body becomes the goal and the focus. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

744 Don’t Forget This When Embarking on Bodybuilding
In your eagerness to jumpstart a bodybuilding routine, you might end up distressed, discouraged, or at worst, hospitalized. Teenagers who what to attract girls on a visit to the beach or a swimming pool can be among those eager to get into shape with the muscles to show off. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

739 California’s Governor was a Former Mr. Universe
This is perhaps common knowledge. Arnold Schwarzenegger bagged the title in 1969 and won various professional bodybuilding titles like the prestigious Mr. Olympia until he retired in 1975 and pursued a career in Hollywood. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

1035 Bodybuilding is a 20th Century Phenomenon
It’s interesting to note that there were no formal bodybuilders as we know them to be prior to the late 19th century. The phrase probably did not even exist prior to that. Though it must have routinely existed for soldiers throughout the ages when you see Roman gladiators and muscled infantry men in Sparta, assuming the movie “300” has any claim to accuracy. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

1040 Bodybuilding, a Necessity for 21st America
If you can get back in time and see how the shapely muscled men of the past developed their muscles you could be in for some surprises. There were no workout gyms then, no fitness or heath instructors to supervise a bodybuilding regimen. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009 | Health and Fitness

787 Introducing Paris and Barcelona Plus Hot End-of-Summer Deals!
Jeff here again with great news! If you’re in Europe or plan to visit anytime soon, you’ll want to take advantage of great hotel deals in our two newest destinations - Paris and Barcelona. read more...
By Jeff Martinez | Aug-26-2009 | Vacations

1439 Labor Day Travel Tips
Over the past few weeks, we’ve highlighted properties in four stunning destinations - San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas and Chicago - where you can snag great Labor Day deals and make the most of your vacation with friends and family. In fact, feel free to visit our Labor Day Hotel Deals page, where you can choose great Labor Day deals in these cities and many more! read more...
By Jeff Martinez | Aug-21-2009 | Travel Tips

1522 Make Your Own Indoor Garden
While a nice house with a picket fence looks nice, not everyone can get that. Many people live in apartments and condominiums that provide little to no space for having a garden. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Aug-21-2009 | Gardening

1242 The Many Functions of a Garden
If you grew up in a house with a garden, then you would appreciate the peace and solace that a garden can give; the fun and enjoyment that a garden plays hosts to in events and parties, there are many, many ways to use a garden. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Aug-21-2009 | Gardening

891 The Basics of Gardening Tools
If you have ever mowed and swept a lawn clean, then you would certainly appreciate the value of spending hard work in a garden. While the task may take a lot of effort, the rewards are worth it. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Aug-21-2009 | Gardening

768 Watering with the Right Gardening Tools
Like any job, the most efficient way to take care of a garden is with the right set of tools. This is why if you are planning on having a garden, you should first prepare yourself with the knowledge of what tools you need. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Aug-21-2009 | Gardening

882 Learning to Take Care of Your Garden
Seeds will grow if planted and taken care of. All you need is a little water, lots of sun and a decent soil. This is the simple fact about gardening and life itself. There are no sure fire ways to ensure that you will have a garden worthy of a blue ribbon award, but there are definite ways to ensure that your plants will grow nicely. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Aug-21-2009 | Gardening

879 Personalized Pet Care Items For Your Special Pooch
People around the planet love pets. Among all the pets out there, the pooches are the ones which require extra care. Remember the fact that dog care will not be an easy task unless the pet owner understands the needs of the pet dog. Like human beings, dogs need essential items such as healthy food, comfortable shelter and safety. read more...
By Jenny Gregorich | Aug-21-2009 | Pets

855 For a Personalized & Creative Event Enlist the Help of a Professional Event Planner
If one is considering planning a special event, using the services of a professional event planner will allow them to relax and enjoy the event with their guests. read more...
By Rayford Chace | Aug-21-2009 | Business