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736 Spice up Your Home with New Replacement Windows
Let’s face it – there will come a time when you’d need replacement windows. You might need to replace your windows because they are broken. An errant pass of the baseball can spell doom for your window. Or maybe a prank gone wrong broke them. Or maybe old age just made it too brittle. Some would get replacement windows because they want to be ready for any high wind situation. So they gear up with windows made specifically for such conditions. read more...
By Mike Wright | Dec-03-2009 | Home Improvement

646 Things to Consider When Offered a Job Transfer
If you have recently been offered a job transfer, you probably have a lot weighing on your mind. You may have been wanting or waiting for this transfer for quite some time, or perhaps it’s been offered as the only way for you to keep your job. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-03-2009 | Business

880 Saving Money with Replacement Windows Impossible? Think Again
Windows make one’s home complete. It brings in the light, the warmth as well as the feeling of being open into your very own home. And for those times you’d want peace and quiet, windows can serve as a refuge to blot out the noise from outside your home and give you the comfort you are looking for. That is why people give heavy thought on just what kind of windows they’d want to be installed. read more...
By Mike Wright | Dec-03-2009 | Home Improvement

805 Voice Over IP Phone Systems - How Do They Benefit Small Businesses?
Small businesses do not have the same options as large concerns in adopting new technologies and tools. They are restricted by low funds and resources. VoIP phone systems are a sensible choice for small businesses as they reduce costs and offer many other features that are otherwise unaffordable for the business owner. read more...
By Daljeet Sidhu | Dec-03-2009 | VOIP

446 Relocation Tips: Finding the Right School for Your Child
Relocating can be a very trying time for the entire family, but it often hardest on children who still live at home. Because they are often moving away from their friends and a school that they are settled in and used to, it’s important to make the transition as easy as possible for them. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-03-2009 | Real Estate

813 Making a Scrapbook for a Gift
If you are a scrapper, you know the sentimental value that a scrapbook holds. Each book represents a special time in your life, memories you don’t want to forget and events that made you who you are today. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-02-2009 | Home and Family

808 Documentation of Banksy Canvas Art, Testament to Growing Popularity
An increasing number of people have begun to admire the work of noted artist Banksy. Through a variety of posters, photographs, tattoos and the like, people are documenting the famous works of Banksy. read more...
By Luke Wildman | Dec-02-2009 | Arts and Entertainment

1225 Designing Your Dream Master Bath
If you’re having a custom home built, or perhaps just remodeling your current home, one of the most exciting designs you could take upon yourself is that of your master bath. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-02-2009 | Home Improvement

1122 Which School of Thought – Desktop or Netbook?
School has just started and with the amount of studying that every student has to do, most parents opt to purchase computers for their children to facilitate school work and provide access to a more varied range of educational tools. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Dec-02-2009 | Hardware

898 How to Install a Pet Door
If you have dogs or cats, you quickly learn how convenient a pet door could be. Especially with cats, there’s the constant open the door, shut the door. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-02-2009 | Home Improvement

855 Too Much (or Too Little) Design
Almost everyone has seen a website that was packed with too many images and information. T read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

649 DIY Design
Design the page or buy a design from somebody else. This is relatively simple to do. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

568 Characteristics of Web 2.0
Web 2.0 isn’t any one set of software programs or popular websites. Web 2.0 is actually a term coined by software experts to describe the next generation of software and web interfaces based online. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Dec-02-2009 | Internet Marketing

597 Schools Benefit With Customized Padfolios
Schools benefits from customized padfolios because padfolios give the right balance of utility and marketing fare. Padfolios are useful things that almost everybody needs especially high schools and universities. Top this useful everyday needed item with a huge logo of your school or university on the cover, and you have a great, high demand promotional item. read more...
By Amin Ramjee | Dec-02-2009 | Marketing

861 Passing a Drag Test Is the First Step
The article discusses on the variety of drag tests and suggests the reader about the method to pass them. read more...
By Mark Flaming | Dec-02-2009 | Medicine

692 Credit Card Processing Options to accept credit card payments
Before buying any card processing solutions Ensure the solution provider at least offers AVS protection. read more...
By jim d | Dec-02-2009 | Sales

496 Five Things to Consider When Buying a Home
Purchasing a home is an exciting time in anyone’s life. As one of the biggest investments you can make, buying a new home can also provide security, a sense of success and a place for your children to grow and create memories. read more...
By Joe Cline | Dec-02-2009 | Real Estate

766 Pass a Drag Test: Pass a Social Responsibility
the article argues on the reason one should not consume any drag and what can be the pros and cons of drag consumption. read more...
By Mark Flaming | Dec-02-2009 | Alternative Medicine

516 You May Run but You Can not Hide From a Drug Test
This is all about drug addiction and how they can affect a life and some ways to get caught from various crag tests. read more...
By Mark Flaming | Dec-02-2009 | Medicine

870 Bonuses in Online Casinos
It is a usual practice for most brick-and-mortar casinos to offer bonuses, or comps, to their players in order to make them stay longer and play more games inside the casino. These comps may come in the form of free alcohol and liquors, free entertainment, free hotel accommodations, reimbursements for air fare, and free limousine rides. In terms of online casino sites, bonuses are commonly offered in four types: signup bonuses, sticky bonuses, cashable bonuses, and cash back bonuses. read more...
By Gary Blaze | Dec-02-2009 | Gambling and Casinos

1660 Christmas and Halloween Candy- Types of Candies Available
There are many types of candies available in the occasion of the Christmas and Halloween. You can buy all types of candies at discounted rates through online confectionery shops. read more...
By Article Expert | Dec-02-2009 | Food and Beverage

431 Bodybuilding Myths Revealed
Bodybuilders and people who have been working out have probably heard of this myths regarding weight loss and gaining muscle exercise programs. This is just too bad because lack of knowledge regarding the truth keeps you from achieving your goal. read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Dec-02-2009 | Health and Fitness

534 Drugs in the Field of Sports
This article is about the use of illegal drugs in sports, why they are used and also how are they detected through drag tests. read more...
By Mark Flaming | Dec-02-2009 | Medicine

1097 Do Your Kid pass a Drug Test?
This article about the drug addiction among the young generation, what is the cause behind it and how to find out about their addiction. read more...
By Mark Flaming | Dec-02-2009 | Medicine

583 Show Your School Spirit Any Day of the Week: Collegiate Apparel
Whether you are currently or have attended a college or university, you are sure to feel some school pride. Perhaps your child or family member is calling a certain campus home right now. There are uncountable ways to show your school spirit, but undoubtedly the best and most favored is with collegiate apparel. read more...
By Calvin Weaver | Dec-02-2009 | Fashion