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516 Water fountains - Let your holiday gifting ideas flow
When we go shopping to find something worthy to be gifted to somebody we love, we always look forward to buy that special something that would surprise them as well as be valued by the receiver. It would be even better if you laid your hands on some thing they had been searching for and could not buy or find out by themselves. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

728 Water Fountains – Alternative Gifting Options for Holidays
One good reason for giving gifts to anybody is a way of saying that we love and respect them. Unless we consider some body to be one whose relationship we value and cherish in our lives we do not make it a habit to go that extra length to get a gift that they would surely enjoy and benefit using. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

627 Commercial Water Fountains – Art and Ambient Relaxation
Whatever business you are in, today it is a necessity for your business to reflect your brand name or image and your home to reflect your passions, lifestyle and tastes, if you are to get anywhere up in the business and social circles. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

699 Commercial Water Fountains – Not just art pieces
Some of the best designed commercial establishments and landscapes have included the use of water fountain in strategic locations, indoor and outdoor, to add an extra dimension to the art of decoration. Water fountains occupy spaces in hotel foyers, receptions, corridors, lawns, swimming pools, sun decks and where not? read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

675 Water Fountains – Cascading to Calm
A stream, brook, river, or cascading waterfall has always inspired a lover of nature and it never fails to excite even the indoors type. Science has a clear explanation on why the sight and sound of running water like in a brook or a stream or even a waterfall has positive effects on us, humans. Falling water has a tendency to produce negatively charged ions when it comes into contact with air. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

557 Water Fountains – The Goodness of the Gurgle
For many centuries now, water fountains have been centering our focus of attention in parks, palaces, government buildings, monuments, and private estates, consciously and subconsciously. On a hot summer day, they act as natural dehumidifiers while also giving a chance for the crowds to enjoy the water spectacle. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

548 Water Fountains – A splash of good health
Water sure is not as thick as blood is but blood stops to flow through the veins if the water content falls beyond a limit. Almost 90% of our blood’s content is water. It is not by chance that so many health therapies are based on water or that man’s search for water won't end with the moon or that the future wars will be fought for control of water reserves. read more...
By Amber Liddell | Dec-09-2009 | Interior Design

1082 Tips for PPC Success
There are several things a website can do to increase the return on investment (ROI) of a PPC campaign. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

1270 Pay Per Click
Pay per click, or PPC, is a type of advertising that compliments SEO practices quite well. Pay per click is an advertising method used on advertising networks, websites, blogs, and search engines in which an advertiser only pays for an ad’s placement when a user clicks on the ad to visit the advertiser’s website. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

860 Elements of a Successful PPC Campaign
There are other aspects of PPC campaign beyond keywords and providers that can affect the success of a PPC campaign. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

971 Buzz Marketing
Buzz marketing is a rather new word coined to describe the way that word can spread about a new and popular product. Some companies welcome, encourage, and create buzz marketing. Others aren’t as excited to hear about buzz marketing. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

586 Stun Guns – Non-Lethal Self-Defense within Hand’s Reach
We are living in a world where people ‘can't get along fine. Everybody sometimes has a reason to hate or injure anybody. Personal protection is something primary if you are in the line of threat. No matter who you are, there are things you got to consider when leaving your home. read more...
By Fabiola Castillo | Dec-09-2009 | Business

743 Unique wedding ring collection at affordable rates
The ultimate online store for wedding rings, that you have been searching for. read more...
By Mark Fisher | Dec-08-2009 | Jewelry

540 Gold-The Desire and Passion of every woman
This article is all about gold, the metal, which a woman can die for. read more...
By Mark Fisher | Dec-08-2009 | Jewelry

771 Advantage of Using Spa and Salon Management Software for Your Biz
If you are having trouble tracking appointments, feel like you are losing money in billing, or just in general think that you do not have a good grasp on the day to day operations of your business than perhaps you need to get help. While some spa managers may turn to an assistant for help, there is a cheaper and better way to get organized. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Dec-08-2009 | Software

1429 Best Ab Exercises for Women - The Top 2 Programs For Women That Desire Sexy Washboard Abs
There are a ton of systems out there for fat burning plus exercise but seldom will one thing really impress me when it involves results. One thing I do before I suggest a system is put it to the test myself. If I do not believe in it and see real world results on my own body then I would have a hard time recommending it to anyone else. Sure, I'm a man but ab exercises for women really are not much different than what we men do. Of course the training is nearly identical and the overall brass tac read more...
By Rick Porter | Dec-08-2009 | Exercise

617 Nutrition Supplements – Programmed to Good Health
In today’s world, we and our lifestyles are the chief cause and culprits of most of many diseases. The major diseases the earlier centuries encountered were pandemics, and other infectious diseases like tuberculosis, small pox, malaria, etc. Deficiency of vital nutrients, vitamins, and protein in our biological system might either result in diseases or might show up as symptoms. read more...
By Fabiola Castillo | Dec-08-2009 | Health and Fitness

888 Social Control
One element of Web 2.0 applications is their use of folksonomy to help categorize information. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

1017 Social Bookmarking
Sites like Digg,, and Backflip allow registered users to store all of their bookmarks in one location online, which allows them to access their bookmarks from any place that has Internet access, regardless of the web browser they use. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

828 Open Access and Sharing
One of the reasons that Web 2.0 is considerably improving the experience for the user is that the emphasis of Web 2.0 is making content highly accessible. read more...
By Clearpath Technology | Jan-07-2010 | Internet Marketing

1179 Confronting the Psychology of Food Addiction
When you think about an emotionally traumatic experience, like breaking up with your significant other, is your first impulse to eat something to calm down? Do you think about food when facing other stressful scenarios, such as talking to someone you don’t particularly like, or even the idea of just getting through your day? read more...
By Lou Ryan | Dec-08-2009 | Self Improvement

478 The Things to Think About When Buying a Home
There are many aspects of buying a home to go through, a home is a place you will spent most/big part of your life in and you can not rush into buying the first house you come across. read more...
By Scott Thomas | Dec-08-2009 | Real Estate

988 Home Health Care for Seniors in Northern USA
When considering in home care for seniors, one should remember to take a multitude of factors into consideration. Time, money and other resources are obvious considerations, however many people fail to think of less immediately obvious factors such as terrain and topography. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Dec-08-2009 | Health and Fitness

551 Check Alabama Apartment Reviews
This article is about apartments in the state of Alabama, US. This helps you understand different type of apartments in Alabama and why review check is important. read more...
By Gaurav Khanna | Dec-08-2009 | Real Estate

814 Create your own videos and host on the website using FFMEPG now
Ffmpeg web hosting demo is a new technology invented for people using internet extensively to host videos. It’s mainly used for media streaming and to view your own videos online. read more...
By Joey Smith | Dec-08-2009 | Web Hosting