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Key Reasons to Hire Retro Jukebox for Your Upcoming Party
If you're planning a party, whether it's a wedding, a corporate event, or a birthday celebration, you might be looking for ways to make it unique and memorable. read more...
By Laurie Hekeik | Mar-11-2023

Myths about Retro Jukebox Hire
Are you considering hiring a retro jukebox for your upcoming event in Sydney? Retro jukebox hire is a fun and easy way to add some old-school charm to your party, but there are a few misconceptions out there about Sydney retro jukebox hire. read more...
By Laurie Hekeik | Feb-07-2023

Things You Should Know About Retro Jukebox
Retro jukeboxes are the perfect way to bring a bit of fun and nostalgia to any event or office space. read more...
By Laurie Hekeik | Jan-14-2023

Why Hiring a Retro Jukebox for Your Christmas Party Is the Best Decision you’ll Make All Year!
It’s that time of the year again, when all your friends and family get together to celebrate the holidays. If you’re one of those people who are hosting Christmas parties or visiting one, then you might be thinking about Sydney retro jukebox hire. read more...
By Laurie Hekeik | Nov-10-2022

5 Benefits Of Hiring Retro Jukebox For Your Birthday
It’s no secret that most of us love to dance. Whether we’re at work, at home, or out with friends, if there’s music playing, we want to get out on the floor and move our bodies around! read more...
By Laurie Hekeik | Oct-10-2022

1221 Get Your Children Excited About Music
Did you know that children will show an interest in musical instruments at an early age? If your child is showing an interest in music, it may be up to you to keep their interest growing. read more...
By Francis Beaudry | Jul-16-2009

1153 What to Look for When Choosing a Voice Over Coach
A voice over actor needs to be trained continually if he or she wants to maintain a robust career in voice over acting. The “Voice of Choice®”, Janet Ault explains that her dedication to become a better voice talent is an impetus for her to continue taking classes in different aspects of voice acting, such as improv, audio books, commercial, narration, and other voice over acting workshops read more...
By Janet Ault | Jun-12-2009

1424 Who Is Your Favorite Songwriter? Do You Know?
I’m sure you have had several favorite songs in your life. You probably have a favorite artist and a favorite album. So, who is your favorite songwriter? What? You don’t have one? If I were to ask you to name 5 pop songwriters, could you? I don’t know if I could. So, why is it that so few songwriters are known? read more...
By Francis Beaudry | May-24-2009

1782 Church Music – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Over the past couple of decades the “praise band” has become more and more popular in churches. This change has introduced musical element to the church where individual musical skill is very exposed. The result has sometimes been pretty bad. So, what do you do when someone who isn’t very good wants to be a part of the band? read more...
By Francis Beaudry | May-08-2009

1746 TV And Video Games Have Destroyed Our Children’s Musical Potential
Does TV rot your brain? Unless you believe the Hulu commercials, no, TV doesn’t rot your brains, but does it dumb you down and destroy your potential as a human being? I think you could probably make an argument for that, but hey why should I wait for you. I’ll go ahead and make an argument for it. And why stop at TV? Let’s toss in video games as well. read more...
By Francis Beaudry | May-08-2009

1674 How Social Media Marketing Can Help Your Business Capture Its Sound
Social media has virtually revolutionized the way that we connect with other people. From written mail to email to Web 2.0 technologies, our world has experienced a complete transformation in the way that we process, receive, and send information. read more...
By Cesar Goncalves | Apr-29-2009

1556 The Top Five Things New Musicians Struggle With
As people enter the world of music, there are certain things every musician struggles with. Some people are able to overcome these struggles more easily that others, but everyone faces these struggles. Knowing what these struggles are can help you prepare for them and overcome them more easily and quickly. So, what are these struggles?... read more...
By Francis Beaudry | Apr-28-2009

2231 Online Tamil Songs – Music at Your Fingertips
Music is the ultimate source of entertainment. The styles of music has a changed a lot over time. In the case of Tamil songs, many new instruments have been introduced and the western style has been greatly influenced in the new ones. read more...
By Jenifer Diana | Apr-15-2009

1734 Do We Have Enough New Bands?
This article discusses the problems facing new bands or musicians which are looking for a break in today’s hectic music scene. It concentrates specifically on new uk music but can easily be relevant to almost all western music markets. It will be informative for any reader but particularly prevalent for people looking to promote their own band. read more...
By thebiz | Mar-31-2009

1745 The Piano: Percussion or String?
The piano is perhaps the most widely used instrument in Western music despite its lack of portability and its great expense. Despite its popularity, however, few people are interested in the trivial facts that make a piano so fascinating and the question arises, What is the piano? It is a string or percussion instrument? read more...
By Francis Beaudry | Mar-17-2009

1764 Letter to Chris Brown
This is disturbing. However, this is correctable. According to the US Department of Justice, more than 1.3 million women are victims of violence at the hands of their intimate partner each year. Such violence continues, in part, because of secrecy. Too often, no one knows until it is too late. Your situation is ripe with potential good if you use this opportunity for a cause bigger than yourself. read more...
By DennisRoss | Feb-26-2009