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Being an Uchideshi at Goryukan Stafford - a Yoshinkan Dojo
What is an Uchideshi? An ‘inside’ or ‘special’ student, one who lives and breathes aikido every day, someone who has been deemed earnest enough by the Sensei to warrant individual and intensive training. read more...
By David Andrews | May-03-2011

1307 Children Martial Arts: Conquer Fears and Step on for the Future
Martial arts exercises kids respect; admiration for their instructors, their senior citizens, and themselves. Each tutorial will begin with all of the learners covered up according to their position and seniority and bowing to show recognition to their coach. This bowing or otherwise displaying admiration to the trainer is a worldwide feature of eastern martial arts. No Muay Thai match begins without the complex Wei Kru dances to recognition the fighter’s instructors. read more...
By paulhalme | Feb-02-2012

1724 Best Tips For Learning Martial Arts Melbourne
There are different types of martial arts and you can choose the best form fitting your body and physique. Martial arts Australia has some of the best instructors in the world and you can learn best tips from them. read more...
By Sidonie Luiza | Jan-31-2012

1339 Martial Arts and Kids
The problem of bullying has been working its way relentlessly into the public eye by grabbing headlines with troubled kids who have been bullied and creating a heated national debate about what parents and school administrators can and should do to address the problem. The problem is so bad for some kids that it destroys their academic performance and their emotional and social development by making them feel increasingly more frightened, isolated, and weak. But what or who gives the bullies t read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-26-2012

1333 The Effects of Bullying
Are much more likely to complain about their health. Some studies say that victims of bullying reported an unhealthy health status physically within three years. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-24-2012

1321 Kids Martial Arts: Kick Start Their Future
Hyperactivity, short attention span, uncontrollable outbursts: the joys of parenthood. And soccer on the weekend and video games alone might not be enough to hold back the tidal waters that are youthful exuberance. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-23-2012

1315 Kids Martial Arts
Putting kids in martial arts may be a way to help treat a growing number of problems affecting children these days that are caused by the ease and constant distraction of modern life. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-19-2012

1483 Shaolin Kung Fu: The Chinese Martial arts worth practicing
The Shaolin Temple in China is the birth place of many well-known Chinese martial arts; Shaolin Kung fu is one of them. read more...
By Pranav Mehta | Jan-18-2012

1303 Bully Prevention Through the Learning of Martial Arts Part 2
Bullying is and always will be a problem. Let's continue learning how martial arts can help the prevention of bullying by learning about leadership, stress relief, self-control and self-defense - all of which are taught to children through martial arts. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-17-2012

1297 MMA for Beginners
If you’re new to MMA and don’t really know what’s involved and how to get started it can be a little intimidating. It’s very easy to trick yourself into believing that you don’t have what it takes to enjoy yourself and improve through MMA. But MMA is for anyone with the will and courage to try it. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-16-2012

1301 Big Bully: Martial Arts and Kids
Could getting your kids involved in martial arts at an early age help protect them from bullies later in life? There are many reasons to believe it just might do the trick. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-12-2012

1415 Know about Taekwondo training facilities in Melbourne
Melbourne has a large number of martial arts facilities and out of these, Taekwondo is getting popularised very fast. It is very common to see martial arts institutes in Melbourne as the second most popular language spoken at home is Chinese, making it quite clear that Melbourne is quite heavily populated by Asians. read more...
By Andrewthomson | Jan-10-2012

1288 Martial Arts for Kids: Never Too Young To Start
When I was a boy I always loved spending time with my grandparents, they were amazing people from an older school of thought. As soon as my grandfather would see me coming he would throw out his arms for a hug. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-05-2012

1181 What to Do If You Witness an Act of Bullying
Not everyone is the victim of bullying and not everyone is the actual bully. In fact, there are others in the world - some of which who actually witness bullying taking place. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-03-2012

1304 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Much More Than Wrestling
Most fights end up on the ground. This is not a broad generalization, this is a fact. Unless one of the first few strikes thrown is so well placed that it is completely debilitating, people almost always end up grabbing and taking each other to the ground. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-03-2012

1255 Basic Kicks for Self Defense Info
Street fights are normally quick, explosive and intense situations. Usually they are finished before anyone has the chance to call for help and in today’s day and age, the use of weapons to ones advantage is becoming ever more a harsh reality. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-03-2012

1211 What Is Cyber Bullying and What Are the Effects?
Despite what many may believe, bullying isn't just done face-to-face. In fact, the increased development of social networking sites online has increased the risk of bullying online. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-27-2011

1257 Self Defense and Fighting
You can be the best fighter in the world. You can have the best grappling, the strongest and fastest punches, kicks that can knock anybody out, and a self belief attitude that can never be shaken. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-26-2011

1335 Weight Loss With the Martial Arts
Obesity, or being over weight, is a condition in which having too much fat in the body may pave the way for other diseases. Obese people have a high risk getting various diseases like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-22-2011

1362 Hands - The First Thing To Come In Contact with Someone Else
Most of the time, the hands are the first thing to come in contact with someone else. Chances are, if you are in law enforcement or corrections, your hands are used every day. read more...
By paulhalme | Jan-03-2012

1298 Stop Bullying Community Wide
As a community, we can work together to identify the children that are being bullied or are bullying other children and providing them the support that they need to cope with the bullying and stop it while also helping those children that are the bullies to see that their behavior is not necessary. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-16-2011

1319 Often Overlooked Fact: Bullies Are Sometimes Your Friends
Whether you want to believe it or not, bullies are generally your friends and this is knowledge that most bully prevention tips and strategies do not equip you with. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-15-2011

1316 Martial Arts Training - Your Legs Are Weapons
Unfortunately today you hear about quite a few people getting attacked. If you ever find yourself or those you care about in a situation where you are being threatened it can be crucial to have some form of self defense training. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-14-2011

2801 MMA Training Workouts - Do You Want To Look Great and Learn to Kick Butt?
The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workout is a new workout regimen that is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness, both as an aerobic exercise and as an anaerobic exercise. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-12-2011

1272 Techniques For Muay Thai Fighters
When an opponent gets in too close, or is within range, a Muay Thai fighters first instinct should be to clinch and close the gap. This is often followed up with a variety of knees and kicks against the opponents body. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-14-2011

1335 Fighting Fit - Martial Arts and Weight loss
If your goal is to improve your fitness or lose weight but you need to do something more exciting than jogging on a treadmill to keep you motivated, perhaps you should consider doing a martial art like boxing, kickboxing, karate, or judo. read more...
By paulhalme | Dec-05-2011