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Tips for Preparing Your Preschooler for the First Day of School
The first day of school can be one of the most exciting or most terrifying days of your child’s life, depending on whether or not your child is prepared to go. read more...
By John Sarkis Dee Why Kindergarten | Oct-10-2022

Benefits of Private Primary Schools Over Public Schools
Many parents struggle with the decision between private and public schools. read more...
By Tarryn Thompson | Sep-13-2022

Why Choose Private High School?
Many parents struggle with the decision between private and public schools. read more...
By Tarryn Thompson | Sep-13-2022

Here’s Why You Need to Consider Boys Private School
Many parents struggle with the decision between private and public schools. read more...
By Tarryn Thompson | Sep-13-2022

Compelling Reasons to Consider Private School
Many parents struggle with the decision between private and public schools. read more...
By Tarryn Thompson | Sep-13-2022

720 Child Care Centre – A Second Home for Children
The child care centre atmosphere should be such that a child feels cared for and loved in the mother’s absence. read more...
By Arun sharma | Jun-16-2010

988 Todd A. Richardson Of Lewis & Kappes
Trade regulation and IPR are catch phrases today, particularly where law is concerned. Businesses need to defend their investment in research and development by making sure they are protected under Indiana Code 24. read more...
By Floyd Carlson | May-25-2010

896 How do Quizzes Bring High-efficiency Teaching?
Quizzing, as one of teaching methods, plays an important role in our teachers' teaching. There ara paper-based quiz and online quiz. If we can use them on suitable situation, quizzes can bring us high-efficiency teaching. read more...
By Charlene | May-19-2010

673 What actually is Cisco Networking?
Cisco Systems, Inc. is introducing new networking devices, other data management and storage solutions so it’s very important for a networking professional to update himself to cope with the changes. read more...
By George Batey | Apr-22-2010

663 What actually is Cisco Networking Certification?
Cisco Systems, Inc. is introducing new networking devices, other data management and storage solutions so it’s very important for a networking professional to update himself to cope with the changes. read more...
By George Batey | Apr-22-2010

1334 Putting Together a Home Emergency Plan
Many families do not think about what they would do during a home emergency until a devastating event happens to someone we know and love. read more...
By Joe Cline | Nov-12-2009

948 Character Education Must Be Squeezed Back Into The School Day
Character education is such a critical part of educating our young students and helping to shape the leaders of our tomorrow. Yet, in an era with the pressures of standardized testing, many elementary schools aren’t able to put much focus on teaching core values because there simply isn’t enough time in the school day! However, there are so many simple, time-friendly, and effective ways to present character education without taking valuable time from classroom instruction in core subjects. read more...
By webmaster charactereducation | Nov-03-2009

1369 Austin Waldorf School: Alternative Education in Austin
For parents who want something different than what Austin Independent School District can offer, there is Austin Waldorf School. This school is located on 8700 South View Road and offers education from Kindergarten all the way up through High School. read more...
By Joe Cline | Oct-21-2009

1453 Tips On Making Your Students Love Math
Majority of the students have lesser interest in Math. It is a common scenario. If you feel like you are not an effective math teacher and is frustrated of your student’s lack of interest in your subject, do not worry because you are not alone. read more...
By ALEN LEW | Sep-25-2009

1027 Character Education Must Include A Focus On College Promotion
Dreams of higher learning can include trade or vocational schools where kids can have careers that use their hands as well as their minds! College Goals are Essential for Success In an attempt to provide the added impetus for dreaming about college and careers, the Achiever McBeaver character education program & character education resources encourages children to focus on the future, reach for the stars, gain a vested interest in school, and develop obtainable career goals. read more...
By webmaster charactereducation | Sep-08-2009

1743 Fresno Colleges Offer Great Education Courses for New Careers
When looking at colleges in Fresno there are a variety of choices. How do you know which one to chose? There are a lot of factors to consider, but when it comes down to it you want the best education for the best price. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Aug-18-2009

1750 California Private Junior Colleges Rising in Popularity
For years, traditional four year colleges have been promoted as the place to go after high school. This caused traditional college enrollment to steadily increase. Unfortunately, as time went on, college tuition steadily increased as well. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Aug-18-2009

1727 Why Character Education?
The Goal of Character Education is to raise children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are important parts of developing moral character. Schools teach value-free education. Schools teach values everyday by design or default. 9. Effective character education makes schools more civil, caring communities and leads to improved academic performance. read more...
By webmaster charactereducation | Jul-27-2009

1493 Character Education and Social Learning
Character Education is more important today than ever. Character is the Key to Success! We have been developing character by teaching a set of core values. Our children and youth are in real need of positive youth development - and the cornerstone of youth development is character development. We must think in terms of developing character. Character training is essential for lasting success! read more...
By webmaster charactereducation | Jun-16-2009

1185 Tips on how to Land a Job
Layoffs and cutbacks are all too common in today's workforce, and finding new careers is harder than ever for job seekers. You need an excellent resume with relevant education and experience, as well as great networking skills. read more...
By Branden Carmondie | Jun-02-2009

1812 Tips for Solving Algebra Word Problems
Tips on how to work out word problems in algebra. Learn how to convert statements into algebraic expressions and solve for an unknown. read more...
By Nikki Que | Mar-21-2009