Why Character Education?
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The Goal of Character Education is to raise children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are important parts of developing moral character. Schools teach value-free education. Schools teach values everyday by design or default.
9. Effective character education makes schools more civil, caring communities and leads to improved academic performance.
The purpose of this article is to show the people that why they need to get and give character education. As now most of the people have awareness about education that it is very important and if want to be the part of modern culture you should get education. But for now as we seen so many misunderstanding between every thing related to a person, and getting own self indulge in stress, tensions, and minimal confidence level. Character Education is a way to improve the behaviour, getting better confidence and learn how to attend other people and forums. The Goal of Character Education is to raise children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are important parts of developing moral character. Through role playing and discussions, children can see that their decisions affect other people and things.
Thomas Lickona (1992) provides the following as reasons why character education is important in our schools:
1. There is a clear and urgent need, as young people increasingly hurt themselves and others because of unawareness of and/or indifference to moral values.
2. Transmitting moral values to the next generation is one of the most important functions of a civilization.
3. The school's role as character educator is even more vital when millions of children get little moral teaching from parents, community, or religious institutions.
4. Common ground exists on universally accepted moral values like caring, trust, respect, and responsibility.
5. Democracies have a special need for moral education because democracy is a government of, for, and by the people themselves.
6. There is no such thing as a value-free education. Schools teach value-free education. Schools teach values everyday by design or default.
7. A commitment to character education is essential if we are to attract and keep good teachers.
8. Moral questions are among the greatest questions facing the individual and the human race.
9. Effective character education makes schools more civil, caring communities and leads to improved academic performance.
Character education looks like young people learning, growing, and becoming. It feels like strength, courage, possibility, and hope. Giving life meaning, purpose, and a future is the collective message educators are sharing with youth in a curriculum that ultimately says, "Together we can”. Embedded in character education are guidelines for successful living. The language of respect and responsibility navigates the journey to ethical fitness. Children explore education as life and life as learning positive approaches for setting and achieving goals. Partner and small-group learning activities are natural complements to character education, providing children with opportunities to practice cooperation, respect, teamwork, and responsibility. Children usually enjoy cooperative activities, and working with peers is a brain-friendly technique that enhances learning (Jensen, 1996). what we discuss in class today becomes past in tomorrow. But the values, moral influences and noteworthy characteristics we model and discuss will outlast academic facts and figures. We can leave our children a legacy that will remain constant throughout life: to know the good, love the good and do the good.
"Unlike other character education programs, Achiever Radio has been created by classroom educators that know how to maximize the use of time and make lessons both effective and memorable. The Achiever Radio character education program is a simple way to impact an entire campus with very little time investment. Achiever Radio is a wonderful stand alone character program - and makes the perfect supplement to any other character education programs being used on a campus. It has been so much fun watching the kids giggle their way to better character!"
"Achiever Radio is very simple to use, time friendly, well put together, makes the kids laugh, and amazingly grabs student attention across all the elementary grade levels. The nice thing is that the program's extreme ease of use makes it painless to get much needed school wide teacher support. Plus, Achiever Radio fits nicely into the other character education programs we use on campus. The kids and teachers love it!" Join the Achiever Radio Character Education Programs.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Why Character Education?_2068.aspx
Author Resource :
Character Education
Character Education Programs
Keywords :
Character education, character education programs, Character Education Resources.,
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Reference and Education
K 12 Education