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Esperance - Where the sun smiles and the sea is whispering!
The COVOD-19 outbreak has wreaked havoc across the world. All affected countries, including Australia, are trying their best to change its trajectory. Hopefully, things will change for the better sooner. read more...
By Matthew Shillington | Oct-08-2020

Keyways to Improve Business Process Management
Business process management is a big challenge in most of the organisations, regardless of the size and sector. While the BPM strategies may differ from one company to another, read more...
By Carmen Tate | Sep-28-2020

What Makes The New Ford Mondeo An Ideal Choice?
It is no wonder why many are apprehensive when it comes to buying a car. A vehicle purchase is the second largest financial investment we all tend to make next to home. Yes, buying a car consumes a lot of hard earned money, after taxes if you want to own and operate a car in Australia. read more...
By Houtan Zamani | Jun-16-2020

Distressing! Shortage of Local GPs in Australia
General practice is an important segment of Australia’s healthcare system! Almost every Australian will make an appointment with the general practitioner once during any given year. read more...
By Kim Barrett | Apr-09-2019

The demand for Rural Medicine Professionals in New Zealand
According to ‘The Guardian’, a rural GP offered $400,000 (£190,000) annual income to attract a medic to the locum doctor jobs, but even after two years of hunting, the position remains unfilled. read more...
By Malcolm Reeves | Apr-05-2019

1619 An Overview on the Nature of Work and Specialization Options for a Career as Registered Nurse
The demand for registered nurses (RNs) is on an increasing trend. The healthcare industry is growing at a pace like never before resulting in an ever increasing demand for nurses. In this article read more...
By Peter Gitundu | Jul-16-2009

1081 Are You Still Looking For A Job? Wall Street Recruiter Reveals 5 Job Hunting Secrets
Revi Goldwasser is a leading subject matter expert on how to find a job. She is the author of Interview Secrets from a Wall Street Recruiter, a 25 Audio CD product where she reveals her insider knowledge on what employers and recruiters look for when hiring you! read more...
By Revi Goldwasser | Jul-11-2009

1530 Real Facts about Online Recruitment
A leading organization in the environment depends up on its skilled workers and hopefully they manage to bring the industry to a high position. So, the workers are the basic tool of a leading firm, who work with the attitudes of physical and mental supply. read more...
By Jeff Smith | Jul-03-2009

993 The Prescribed Degree of Fitness in Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of matching employers to employees quickly and successfully. Some of the organizations handle the job of recruitment by themselves or hand over the job to the leading outsourcing firms that act as agencies, online sites or as headhunters. Searching jobs on internet is not a difficult task, but finding high level careers on internet is not an easy task. read more...
By Jeff Smith | Jul-03-2009

1004 Pay Attention While Are Recruitments Made Online
Every individual has his own ambition in his life and that’s achieved only by choosing up the right job. An organization depends up on its workers and recruiting the qualified individuals is the major cause for the firm’s development. read more...
By Jeff Smith | Jul-03-2009

1186 Advice For New Managers – Communicate and Cast a Vision
Vision inspires and motivates worker to perform their best. It allows them to connect their smaller tasks to the greater mission of the company. New managers head straight for problems when they fail to communicate. Good communication is key an effective team and to realizing a vision. read more...
By Gordon Walter | Jul-01-2009

1504 Advice For New Managers – Build Your Team
Most new managers inherit a variety of employees, a few of whom perhaps they would not have chosen. Often, a new manager finds their “senior team” is less than they hoped for. If your assessments are negative, confront the dilemma of either staying with people who are less than what you need or making the necessary changes early in your tenure. read more...
By Gordon Walter | Jul-01-2009

1932 When Looking for Employment, Details Matter
The career market has rarely been full of this many qualified people. Despite the recession, housing crisis, and upcoming election, though, people still get jobs. In order for job searchers to stand out from the crowd, they need to follow some careful checklists. read more...
By Susan Reynolds | Jun-30-2009

1473 12 Best Practices for a Winning Cover Letter – Part 2
The cover letter is often an afterthought. A job candidate sees an ad in the paper or online and scrambles to get a resume in the organization’s possession. A well-written cover letter introduces you, prompts the reader to want to know more about you, and establishes your credentials. A good cover letter partners nicely with your resume and a strong networking process. In my previous article I listed the first six best practices for cover letter writing. Following is a list of the second six read more...
By Gordon Walter | Jun-17-2009

1423 12 Best Practices for a Winning Cover Letter – Part 1
The cover letter is often an afterthought. A job candidate sees an ad in the paper or online and scrambles to get a resume in the organization’s possession. A well-written cover letter introduces you, prompts the reader to want to know more about you, and establishes your credentials. A good cover letter partners nicely with your resume and a strong networking process. Following is a list of the first six best practices that your cover letter must and/or in some cases must not reflect. read more...
By Gordon Walter | Jun-17-2009

1047 Experience the Sweet Taste of Success
As a unique combination of utilizing core strengths and motivation in business, Business for Smarties opens new business options and choices for starting a successful business and making it prosper. read more...
By Businessforsmarties | Jun-28-2009

1166 How Can I Afford Study Abroad?
This article provides information on how a student can afford a study abroad program. It also provides information on financial aid and scholarship programs for international education. read more...
By Dr.Sandi Smith | Jun-02-2009

1490 Advice For New Managers – Do Not Be Afraid To Ask
Being a new manager can be a lonely proposition. Besides relationship issues, the new manager can feel big pressure to have all the answers. After all, isn’t this why you got the job? But new managers need to be willing to ask questions so they can make good, informed decisions and lead their team. read more...
By Gordon Walter | May-25-2009

1394 Resumes – Less is More
On the surface it would seem that resumes should be chock full of information. Especially if you have reached the executive level, a common trap that people fall into is to want to overwhelm them with breadth of your experience. However, keeping a resume short may be the difference between the resume being read or not. read more...
By Gordon Walter | May-25-2009

1193 Professional Resumes – Best Left to the Professionals
Anyone can make a resume, but not everyone can make a good, professional resume. Professional resumes can be difficult to make, but professional resume services know how to make a resume. Your resume is your first impression and you don’t want it to be your last. read more...
By Gordon Walter | May-04-2009

1324 Top 3 Sources to Find the Best Jobs in Ireland
Owing to the economic slowdown, there are job cuts everywhere. Many people around the planet have become jobless due to the downturn of economic conditions. This situation isn’t much different in Ireland. Finding the best jobs in Ireland will be neck breaking in the present scenario. read more...
By Mr.Alan Coyne | Apr-17-2009