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Myths about Hair Stylists You Need to Stop Believing
It can be hard to distinguish the truth from fiction. To help set the record straight, we’re debunking most common myths about hair stylists. read more...
By Chris Babb | Dec-28-2022

2023 New Year's Resolutions: Time for A New You with New Hair Cut?
It’s time to look at your list of New Year’s resolutions again! Are you still sticking to them? read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-26-2022

5 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hairstyle
Changing your hairstyle can be a really big deal, especially if it's something big, like changing the entire style. read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

Spending Too Much Time on Your Hair Routine? Here Are a Few Tips to Simplify It
Do you spend too much time on your hair routine? Do you wash, condition, style, and go? read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

Tell-Tale Signs of a Good Hair Salon
If you want to find the best hair salon in town, it takes some effort and research to know what you’re looking for. But once you know what to look for, it’s actually pretty simple to choose a good salon. read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

1072 Benefits of Far Infrared Saunas
In today’s stressed out and time-starved world, the benefits of a sauna are endless. With hectic schedules, odd hours, unhealthy diets and lack of time, the working generation suffers from stress and other related complications like obesity, heart disease read more...
By Jamie O'steen | Jan-27-2015

1061 Benefits of a Day Spa
We all like and deserved to be pampered. With our stressful lifestyle and hectic schedules, it has become almost impossible to make time to pamper ourselves at home. read more...
By Jamie O'steen | Jan-27-2015

1189 Using Facial Fillers to Attain a Scar-Free and Youthful Appearance
People age and as they do, their epidermis develops a lot of wrinkles or tends to sag over the years. Since our society demands perfection in every facet of life, people wish to look younger and feel like they are 30 all the time. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Jan-23-2015

1132 Six Little Known Benefits of Botox that make it a Popular Cosmetic Procedure
Whenever people approach certain milestones in their life, be it a birthday, wedding or a special anniversary they often consider getting procedures to look younger or more beautiful. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Jan-23-2015

1220 The Rising Popularity of Solar Energy as a Residential Power Source
As energy costs skyrocket a large number of concerned people are turning toward alternate energy sources. Green energy can meet your energy requirements in a great way by offering you an opportunity to cut down on high electricity bills. read more...
By Philip Masterson | Jan-22-2015

941 How to Choose The Best Hair Salon In Sheffield And Get The Best Hair Style
Hair-styling, fashion come and go to every year. If you are doting to new trends and like to try the newest components which get released in the market, then you have to ensure that they go well with your hairstyle. read more...
By Willox Benes | Jan-21-2015

1607 Important Facts You Need To Know About Wrinkle Fillers
Every woman wants to look stunning and beautiful all through her life. Skin is an important part of our body and it needs special care and attention if we want to look young and beautiful. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Jan-21-2015

1452 Understanding Chemical Facial Peel Treatments for Skin Solutions
Chemical peels in Oklahoma have become increasingly popular over the years as a great way to rejuvenate facial skin. The process can turn out to be extremely effective for those suffering from skin problems, depending on the kind of peel you select. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Jan-12-2015

869 Opting for a Spray Tan versus Time under the Sun
In case you’re tired of having pale freckled skin and want to get yourself a deeper glow, tanning is the perfect way to go. read more...
By Jamie O'steen | Jan-05-2015

908 Make the Most of your Time in the Far Infrared Sauna
Stressed individuals often find themselves seeking innovative ways for relaxation when they have to get back on track with their work and home responsibilities. While some try power yoga, tai chi or spin class, there are others who treat themselves to some quality time at a day spa. read more...
By Jamie O'steen | Jan-04-2015

1036 How the Right Hair Extensions Canada Makes All the Difference!
If you are suffering from loss of hair or thing hair then check out the hair extensions Canada, human hair extensions, tape in hair extensions Canada today. read more...
By Layla Caroline | Dec-17-2014

965 Make Your Move With Knowledge Of Laser Tattoo Removal Prices
Tattoo is the latest craze among the fashion conscious men and women today. Irrespective of the cost and the pain associated with it, people still prefer to go for these because it can largely help them to reflect their style statement. read more...
By Citytattooremovals | Dec-17-2014

1045 How The Cosmetics Packaging Cater To The Aesthetic
Combined with cosmetics and its development trend of the cosmetics packaging, There are some main following features on some crucial area. Such as the modern cosmetics packaging on the choice of packaging materials and containers, packaging of structural design and packaging container of decoration design, etc. read more...
By Auber | Nov-25-2014

947 Air Brush Tanning - Natural and Effective
Air brush tanning has become a giant in the tanning industry. Vanished are the times to become a sun deity. With air brush tanning, the medical problems as well as unwanted effects of UV radiation due to open-air sun tanning are gone reducing skin cancer as well as wrinkles and lines. read more...
By Jamie Osteen | Nov-24-2014

1295 Infrared Saunas – The How and the Why!
Far Infrared saunas are a groundbreaking leap in sauna service with distinctive techniques and unique ingredients offering a valuable experience resulting in good reviews between sauna lovers. read more...
By Jamie Osteen | Nov-24-2014

1004 Discover the advantages and benefits of using sunless tanning products
Using sunless tanning products give you the means to get the tan that you want without hassle and bother. read more...
By Mohan's Boomerang Day Trader | Nov-17-2014

1110 The Prediction of Airless Plastic Tubes
Many authority experts predict that there must be a shiny future in the soon decade for the airless plastic tubes owing to the rapid increasing status of the airless plastic tubes is very high. Pittman, the expert of the Norden. read more...
By Auber | Nov-12-2014

946 why hair extension can change your entire look!
This festive season change your look and appearance with micro loop hair extensions, clip in hair extensions, Indian Remy hair extensions. They are stylish, affordable and in-thing this season. read more...
By Layla Caroline | Nov-03-2014

888 Sunless Tanning Solutions Vs. Natural Tanning
This article outlines the benefits of using sunless tanning lotions over UV exposure for a great looking tan. read more...
By Mohan's Boomerang Day Trader | Oct-16-2014

1290 Redefine your Curves with the Right Breast Implants
“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission,” quoted Eleanor Roosevelt. Is your body simply not measuring up? Hiding your curves in loose and long wardrobes? Then you must think about breast implant surgery in Long Island. read more...
By Mark D Epstein | Apr-10-2014

1761 Dual Plane Breast Implants - A Short Guide
Thinking about having breast implants? You’re not alone; breast implant surgery is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic procedures. read more...
By Mark D Epstein | Feb-19-2014

1724 Breast Augmentation - Pre and Post-Operative Care
Breast is a complex symbol that relates to a woman’s femininity, sexuality, and role as a woman and mother. Her attachment to the breasts both physically and psychologically is much more than regarding them as a secondary sexual characteristic. read more...
By Mark D Epstein | Feb-07-2014

1305 All about Breasts Implants
“I do wish my breasts were bigger. Not big... but less small” - Calista Flockhart. Are you also not satisfied with the shape of your breast? You don’t have to compromise anymore with the shape of the breast that is not of your interest. read more...
By Mark D Epstein | Feb-03-2014

1309 Post Operative Care after Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed in US. Recent studies performed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed more than 286,000 women received breast augmentation in 2012. read more...
By Mark D Epstein | Nov-19-2013

1258 Cosmetic Dentistry - An Ideal Way to Have a Rocking Smile
Beyond reconstruction and maintenance of issues such as oral cavities, the modern dental patients desire an esthetic appearance. read more...
By Jeffery S Cummings | Nov-19-2013