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Myths about Hair Stylists You Need to Stop Believing
It can be hard to distinguish the truth from fiction. To help set the record straight, we’re debunking most common myths about hair stylists. read more...
By Chris Babb | Dec-28-2022

2023 New Year's Resolutions: Time for A New You with New Hair Cut?
It’s time to look at your list of New Year’s resolutions again! Are you still sticking to them? read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-26-2022

5 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hairstyle
Changing your hairstyle can be a really big deal, especially if it's something big, like changing the entire style. read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

Spending Too Much Time on Your Hair Routine? Here Are a Few Tips to Simplify It
Do you spend too much time on your hair routine? Do you wash, condition, style, and go? read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

Tell-Tale Signs of a Good Hair Salon
If you want to find the best hair salon in town, it takes some effort and research to know what you’re looking for. But once you know what to look for, it’s actually pretty simple to choose a good salon. read more...
By Chris Babb | Nov-24-2022

1297 How Best Natural Cosmetics Are?
"Recent studies have shown that the women who use makeup on a daily basis are absorbing more than two kilos of chemicals a year into their bodies." read more...
By Angela Gross | Nov-30-2016

1210 Natural Cosmetics - Significant Reasons to Use
Makeup is an essential beauty item used by women all over the world. Being aware of ingredients that you apply to your skin is crucial. Now, in the field of beauty and fashion, natural cosmetics are the latest trend. read more...
By Angela Gross | Nov-22-2016

1488 Safely Remove or Fade Tattoos when it Go Wrong - Laser Tattoo Removal
Skin is the largest organ of the human body and performs various essential functions for our body. So, making the right choice of tattoo removal option is crucial. read more...
By Miss Jamie Osteen | Nov-04-2016

1964 Permanent Makeup – Look your Best Anytime, Every time!
In an era where people lead really hectic lives, each and every one strives to accomplish things in a jiffy. And that applies to anything from a simple household chore to any major professional responsibility. read more...
By Miss Jamie Osteen | Oct-06-2016

1495 Can I Use Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy to Reverse Hair Loss?
Hair loss, what's the big deal? Isn't it a bit vain to worry about hair loss when world peace still has not been achieved? Yes it has been a big problem for as long as humans have existed. read more...
By Miss Jamie Osteen | Jul-21-2016

1280 Different Types of Skin and an Easy Way to Find Your Skin Type
The skin types are generally classified as normal, oily, dry and sensitive. Certain people can have combinations of these types at various parts of their skin. There is a high possibility to have a change from normal skin type over time. read more...
By Miss Jamie Osteen | Jul-05-2016

1306 Popular Myths on Hormone Replacement Therapy Busted!
The effects of aging can be devastating for many – weight fluctuations, mood swings, night sweats and more can all be real frustrating. read more...
By Emily West | Jul-04-2016

1240 Common Question on Laser Tattoo Removal Answered!
Tattoo removal has become quite common these days, yet a lot of people have questions about it before accepting to undertake the procedure. read more...
By Emily West | Jul-04-2016

1478 Four Reasons to Consider Permanent Tattoo Removal
Tattoos signify a myriad of emotions for human beings. We use them to commemorate and celebrate the things that mean the most to us. read more...
By Emily West | Jun-08-2015

1267 Three Types of Hormone Replacement Therapy and Why They Are Needed
Hormone replacement therapy may be needed for a number of reasons. When the body is unable to make hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, patients may receive hormone replacement therapy. read more...
By Emily West | Jun-08-2015

1231 The secret behind good skin: Glycolic peels and facial fillers
If you are tired of using different toners, cleansers, moisturizers and creams available in the market, as you can't get the desired result for brightening your skin, then it is the perfect time to switch over to Botox treatment read more...
By Tammy Martin | May-19-2015

1252 Stay Beautiful with Facial peels and Botox Treatment
When it comes to overcoming signs of skin aging and looking naturally beautiful, there are thousands of options available in the market. read more...
By Tammy Martin | May-19-2015

1135 Top Four After-Care Tips for Tattoo Removal
The decision to erase a tattoo may arise due to several reasons starting from a bad design to a bad memory. A few years back the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released an estimate based on a survey. read more...
By Emily West | May-08-2015

1156 How does Hormone Pellet Therapy help Menopausal Women?
Hormonal imbalance is the main cause for a number of ailments in women. Menopause, though a naturally occurring event in a women’s life, leads to insufficiency of hormones and thus causes considerable amount of distress. read more...
By Emily West | May-07-2015

933 Controlling The Symptoms Through The Best Rosacea Treatment
There are many skin conditions that millions of people across the world experience. One of them is rosacea. The exact cause for the occurrence of the condition is unknown, but like many other conditions, it is also said that Rosacea Treatment should be obtained at the early stages before the condition worsen read more...
By Rock henry | May-02-2015

1147 Delay Aging with Botox Cosmetic treatment Oklahoma
There are ever so many women in the world who dread the idea of looking old with a wrinkled face and skin. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Apr-08-2015

1149 The Magic of Chemical Peels Oklahoma
Aging is a process that you cannot reverse and it’s after affects leave your skin looking dull and lifeless. No woman likes to look old and is willing to go through any extent of sacrifices to remain young and beautiful. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Apr-08-2015

1065 The Popularity of Hormone Pellet Therapy
Hormone pellet therapy was initiated around 1935 to assist women during their menopause, and even today this form of therapy is being utilized successfully. read more...
By Emily West | Mar-31-2015

1098 What you should know about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Kansas City
Women have a very tough time as they near menopause and its symptoms can really take their toll on you. The hot flushes, mood swings, sleeplessness, fatigue, loss of interest in sex and dryness of the vagina are some of the most common indications that middle aged women face. read more...
By Emily West | Mar-25-2015

946 Take Advantage of Tattoo Removal in Kansas City
Research has found that in many nations worldwide, especially in western countries, the tendency of being tattooed is more of a fashion statement for youth. As you are aware tattoos for many centuries have been part of many cultures. read more...
By Emily West | Mar-25-2015

1215 Want To Look Beautiful? Try Chemical Peels in Oklahoma
Who doesn't want to look forever beautiful? Aging and other problems like sun tanning make a woman's skin look dull and wrinkled making one lose all self-confidence. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Mar-23-2015

1031 How Chemical Peels help you Get Rid of those Ugly Scars
When the skin on your face is marred by too much of sunlight and various other factors, there is every chance that the skin gets blemished. Other causes for skin blemishes could be the aging process that brings on wrinkles and acne that leave scars. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Mar-23-2015

1413 Skin Care Tips after a Chemical Peel Treatment
Chemical Peels are a good solution for treating acne prone skin, for dealing with the fine lines of age and to simply even out the skin tone. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Mar-02-2015

1079 Dermal Fillers- What are the facts and fictions?
There isn’t a time machine yet that can reverse back your age, but there are certainly a number of skincare treatments that can rub off those vicious laugh lines and forehead creases making you feel much younger and more confident. read more...
By Tammy Martin | Mar-02-2015

1131 How to Get back your confidence with Invisible braces
A pair of beautiful teeth is more than just a good dental health. Straight teeth give flawless smile. Any kind of abnormality in the teeth badly affects the smile. Throughout the ages, different things are used for straightening the teeth. But with advancing days more effective entities are created for rectifying the abnormal teeth. read more...
By john022 | Feb-25-2015