July - 2009 Articles

1064 Are You Still Looking For A Job? Wall Street Recruiter Reveals 5 Job Hunting Secrets
Revi Goldwasser is a leading subject matter expert on how to find a job. She is the author of Interview Secrets from a Wall Street Recruiter, a 25 Audio CD product where she reveals her insider knowledge on what employers and recruiters look for when hiring you! read more...
By Revi Goldwasser | Jul-11-2009 | Careers

886 Raising the Value of your Home by Employing a Pittsburgh Remodeling Business
In today’s economy, the resale value of your home more important than ever before. Allowing time and inclement weather to affect your home without doing anything to ameliorate the effects will decrease the overall value of the home and make it harder to sell. There is a way, however, to fight the inevitable damage your home will experience over the years. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Jul-10-2009 | Home Improvement

1863 History of Body Piercing
Piercing is known to have been practised by the Romans, who used nipple piercings as a sign of bravery and functionally as a means of attaching cloaks. The Karma Sutra refers to the apadravya, a genital piercing, whilst a similar piercing, the Apadravya ampallang (a horizontally orientated apadravya), is said to have originated in Borneo and in particular is associated with the Dyak tribe (Eye of the Needle). read more...
By daniel lew | Jul-10-2009 | Weddings

867 Exterior Home Remodeling in Pittsburgh
You can safely expect that your home will experience wear and tear throughout the years. The exterior of your home probably ages twice as fast as the inside. Siding, windows and roofs endure rainstorms, windstorms, snowstorms and the hot sun beating down on it in Pittsburgh’s steamy summer months. This is why many people are turning to experts to get their home fixed up after a long winter. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Jul-10-2009 | Home Improvement

1124 Earning Money by Working at Home
Working from home is something many people daydream about. The thought of being able to work in your pajamas, in the comfort of your own home, without having to answer to a boss is very appealing. Unfortunately, there are many scams out there targeting people who want to work at home. read more...
By Marvin Yakos | Jul-10-2009 | Home Based Business

1025 What is Plastic Injection Molding?
It is likely that you have found this article on your computer; your computer is a perfect example of injection molding. The keyboard, the mouse, and the computer casing are likely to be made from plastic. Injection molding is often used for anything that can be mass produced, but it is also the cheaper way to produce prototypes. read more...
By Sarah James | Jul-10-2009 | Business

1717 More and More Factories are Choosing Robots over Humans
One of the biggest uses of robotics is for performing jobs and operations thought to be too hazardous for people or for jobs that are considered to be highly repetitive. read more...
By Samuel Circton | Jul-10-2009 | Consumer Electronics

1378 Top tips for reducing your gas bill
Keeping your gas bills down has become increasingly difficult over recent years with gas prices rises dramatically. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1960 Having trouble paying your energy bills? The government can help
Thanks to increases in gas and electricity rates, UK households are now paying an average of more than 1000GBP per year on the utility bills. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1565 How to switch electricity suppliers
More British energy consumers are choosing to switch their electricity supplies than ever before. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1752 Finding low energy electric appliances for your home
Due to the huge leap in the number of consumer electronic products bought for use in our homes over recent decades, energy consumption has risen dramatically. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1231 Your guide to the new energy efficiency labels
When you go shopping for any electrical items or white goods like fridges, freezers, dishwashers and microwaves, you will see that all are now labelled with energy efficiency ratings of some kind. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1012 Does your home insurance cover flood and storm damage?
Most home insurance policies will cover you against the cost of flood and storm damage. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

1445 How Smart Meters will change our home energy use forever
The UK is now joining with the whole of Europe in changing the way that our gas and electricity is monitored. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

856 Maintaning your home
To get a mortgage you will normally at least need buildings insurance to protect you from financial losses if the house itself is destroyed or damaged, but you would need full home insurance including contents insurance to cover your belongings as well. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

1385 Heating your home: radiators
Radiators are actually somewhat mis-titled. The majority o the heat that comes from your radiator system is delivered via convection rather than radiating straight out into the room. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1762 The Smart Meter revolution
The European Parliament has announced that all existing electricity and gas meters are to be phased out and replaced with more high-tech Smart Meters. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

1341 Insurance for people who rent their homes
Your landlord will probably have buildings insurance to cover the actual building that you rent. You need to insure anything of yours that you keep in the property with a separate contents insurance policy. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

1992 Ways to reduce your electricity usage – electronic power controlling devices
Energy efficiency is now a hot topic, and with so many of us relying on electrical equipment around the home now is a good time to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

797 Reducing the cost of home insurance
If you want to pay less for your home insurance, as a minimum your mortgage provider will still require you to have buildings insurance to cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

2008 Household utilities the greener way
We all know that the process of heating and powering our homes with gas and electricity is damaging to the environment, but what can we do to help read more...
By Daniel Higgins | Jul-09-2009 | Small Business

878 Insuring your home
There are many home insurance products available, and it is important to consider your needs before just going for the cheapest possible deal. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

875 Home insurance and house fires
All of us dread house fires, and even if not deadly the effects can be devastating. You must have home insurance to repair or reconstruct your house if it is destroyed or damaged by a fire, but of course the worst costs of fire could be injuries or even deaths. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

1058 Home Insurance, Buildings Insurance Explained
Buildings insurance is a type of home insurance. If your home is destroyed or made uninhabitable by vandalism, storm, flood or fire then your financial losses would be covered if you have buildings insurance. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance

1036 Home insurance:different types of cover
Buildings and contents insurance are both types of home insurance. read more...
By Foster Carr | Jul-09-2009 | Insurance