77 las tunas,
United States of America,
Personal Website : http://tiajones.wordpress.com/
My name's Tia JonesĀ® and I was born in the Republic of Panama (Central America). I'm 31, reside in Pasadena and I work in Public Relations. I couldn't ask for a better career.
When I'm not waist-deep in press releases, social media and articles, I spend a lot time with my favorite little baby boy...Jaydon. Otherwise I'm passed out on the couch in front of the TV that may or may not be on. In addition, I like jeans, Heinekens, rollerblading, my laptop, and Web 2.0. I drink destructive amounts of vitamin water and I listen to an alarming amount of music. I also have about 8-10 business ideas I'll probably never consummate. Although, I'm working on a couple right now.
I value simplicity, good communication, and quality conversations.
Favorite Websites :
Blog : http://blog.tours4fun.com/