Webmaster Charactereducation's Article in K 12 Education
The Survival of Character Education In An Era of Elementary School Counselor Cutbacks
With a reduction of counseling positions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for schools to maintain high quality character education programs. Despite the changing counseling landscape, there are several great character education programming options. For example, due to their relative low cost, overall simplicity, lack of large time involvement, effective school wide reach, and extreme ease of use - many principals and counseling supervisors are turning to programs like R-Time, Second Step,
Posted on Aug-11-2010
Character Education Must Be Squeezed Back Into The School Day
Character education is such a critical part of educating our young students and helping to shape the leaders of our tomorrow. Yet, in an era with the pressures of standardized testing, many elementary schools aren’t able to put much focus on teaching core values because there simply isn’t enough time in the school day! However, there are so many simple, time-friendly, and effective ways to present character education without taking valuable time from classroom instruction in core subjects.
Posted on Nov-03-2009
Character Education Must Include A Focus On College Promotion
Dreams of higher learning can include trade or vocational schools where kids can have careers that use their hands as well as their minds! College Goals are Essential for Success
In an attempt to provide the added impetus for dreaming about college and careers, the Achiever McBeaver character education program & character education resources encourages children to focus on the future, reach for the stars, gain a vested interest in school, and develop obtainable career goals.
Posted on Sep-08-2009
Why Character Education?
The Goal of Character Education is to raise children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are important parts of developing moral character. Schools teach value-free education. Schools teach values everyday by design or default.
9. Effective character education makes schools more civil, caring communities and leads to improved academic performance.
Posted on Jul-27-2009
Character Education and Social Learning
Character Education is more important today than ever. Character is the Key to Success!
We have been developing character by teaching a set of core values. Our children and youth are in real need of positive youth development - and the cornerstone of youth development is character development. We must think in terms of developing character. Character training is essential for lasting success!
Posted on Jun-16-2009