Nickyjarvis's Article in Weddings

815 Three Wedding Centerpiece Ideas that Work
At this DIY day and age, it seems that there is nothing impossible to achieve when armed with a perfect idea, great resourcefulness, and skilled hands. Wedding centerpieces are no exception to this. Gone are the days when flowers of all shapes and species dominated the reception tables, because they’ve already made way to a new breed of wedding centerpiece ideas, all as beautiful as a perfect wedding should be.
Posted on Aug-30-2011

532 How to Style Your Own James Bond Wedding
I’m pretty sure that a number of event planners out there have already thought of and even succesfully executed spy-themed weddings/parties in the past, but it would come as no surprise to me if several brides-to-be suddenly come and demand for a James Bond wedding. And who wouldn’t want one, really? It’s stylish, it’s classy—and most of all, sexy.
Posted on Aug-30-2011

560 Worth Keeping: Five Practical Wedding Favors
While it’s common practice now to give out edible favors such as chocolate bars and cupcakes, the standard little keepsakes are still very much popular, so if you have a family member or friend who simply couldn’t let those pretty little favors go for sentimental reasons, why not make it easier for them to hold on to it by making it a practical part of their lives?
Posted on Aug-30-2011

507 Three Fun Bridal Shower Themes for the Quirky Bride
These days, bridal shower parties are given as much importance and preparation as the actual wedding ceremony itself. And why not? Bridal shower parties provide a venue for family and friends to celebrate a new chapter of life, sending the bride off to married life in enjoyable and entertaining ways. If you are currently planning a bridal shower, let us suggest three fun bridal shower party themes that will surely entertain and wow your guests.
Posted on Aug-30-2011