Manishpaull's Article in Careers

345 Know The Fee Refund Rules of Schools
Schools have their own rules with regard to refund and just as one would as a shop, whether goods once purchased can be returned back, its equally important to ask a school, their policy on a refund incase the child does not join.
Posted on Nov-21-2011

316 Now It's Easy To Discus Online About The Schools
It is not that in India, people can actually say what they like. It is that people can say whatever is in line with the law. In short, no country can tolerate its citizen's speaking anything about it.
Posted on Nov-19-2011

326 Parents Feel Relaxed After Their Kids Admission In School
Mr. Wardhane even had a letter in hand recommending his son to a school in India, but still what disturbed him most was that if the admissions were over in the Indian schools and the seats in the schools were already filled up.
Posted on Nov-18-2011