John Alden's Article in Business
Plastic bags or any plastic products are the most widely used by the common man. Starting from morning to the night, plastic bags make its presence felt many times. But, the question comes in our mind that why plastic products are so famous? Plastic bags are flexible having great carrying capacity, resistant and can be easily stored or packed.
Posted on Nov-09-2011
Is there still a need for the plastic bags and paper bags??
The art of paper bags has evolved over the period of time. Starting from the handmade processes of the well known paper bags and resting today at hi-tech automated techniques, this art is known to have surpassed many milestones thus resulting in the finest quality of paper. However, it is a universal fact that handmade paper bags still is known to rule the heart of the connoisseur.
Posted on Oct-22-2011
Plastic bags are effective in good and bad ways
The conventional sources like petroleum is produced in the earth just in few amount out of which we not only use them for our vehicular uses like petrol, diesels and kerosene but also in making plastic as this is the main component to prepare Plastic packaging.
Posted on Oct-14-2011
Plastic bags are more convenient and that is the debate
The usages of the bags have an important place in the daily routines. The usage is not only limited to carrying fruits and vegetables from the stales but also carrying all the means of items required for your household. The paper bags are lesser used for the carriage for stuffs than that of plastic bags due to its lesser durability and easily tearing quality.
Posted on Oct-11-2011
Paper bags: its origin and now
Thanks to the lady employee Margaret Knight for her witty decision of incepting the making of the paper bags. She once accidentally, as all inventions happen, found some square bottoms from her manufacturing unit and tried using it as the bags for her items to get carried so that this will ease her stress to carry them home.
Posted on Oct-07-2011
Create awareness in people for using the better paper bags
The recent studies have conveyed that the usage of the bags are required to be in the form of the papers than that of the plastic ones as they have many unavoidable bad effects which can be reduced only when you have enough knowledge regarding the same
Posted on Oct-05-2011
The plastic bags are handy to export seeds in them
A wide range of plastic bags are used for seeds packing. These seeds are transported worldwide for all the agricultural means. The world is foodie and without cereals and grains and vegetables the diet of each and every living being will be halted. The seeds are the birth givers of plants that are consumed worldwide
Posted on Oct-05-2011