Chicnhealth's Article in Alternative Medicine

592 Yoga Poses for Sciatica Pain - Which Are Useful
Sciatica can be very painful that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down the leg. Here are some full list of poses recommended for sciatica.
Posted on Sep-20-2011

749 Home Remedies for Swollen Ankles - Remedies That Will Give You Quick Results
Swollen ankles, feet and legs often referred to medically as edema usually occurs when fluid is retained in the spaces between body cells. Some home remedy for ankle swelling may take the following processes.
Posted on Jul-27-2011

925 How to Increase Energy Naturally - Yoga to Boost Energy
Yoga has several health benefits include boost your energy levels and improved overall health. Try these simple tips energy boosting yoga poses that you can do at home when you feel tired.
Posted on Jun-29-2011

820 How to Strengthen Neck Muscles - Neck Strengthening Exercise
Building the neck muscles helps prevent muscle injury and strengthens the neck. Here are a few easy exercises to strengthen your neck.
Posted on May-09-2011

911 Home Remedy For a Fat Lip - Tips That Work Quick Relief
A fat lip can be caused by an injury, from a blow or cut, or bee sting or an insect bite. If the lip has not been seriously damaged then you can treat it with some easy home remedies and the lip will heal in a day or two.
Posted on May-09-2011

1195 Homeopathic Remedy for UTI That Work Quick Relief
Homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infections are often helpful to treat the infections, relieve the pain of a urinary tract infection and encourage quick healing. Here are presented a few homeopathy for UTI.
Posted on Apr-18-2011

1551 Herbs That Help Clear Plaque in Arteries - Find Out What Works!
Herbs can decrease the level of harmful LDL or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increase the level of useful HDL or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. These herbs are a good alternative to prescription drugs and they don't have any side effects as well.
Posted on Apr-18-2011

651 Herbal Remedies for Biliary Dyskinesia - 5 Herbal Remedies That Work Effectively
Discover how to relieve biliary dyskinesia with herbal remedies. Here are some herbal remedies that you can try to get relief.
Posted on Mar-18-2011

939 Effective Natural Supplements for Treating Lyme Disease
A course of antibiotic is the standard treatment for Lyme disease but it does not assist the immune system and could disrupt the natural healing process of the body. If you want a successfully recovery that also ensures the well being of the patient then herbal supplements can be a good alternative to antibiotics.
Posted on Mar-18-2011

1524 Home Treatment for Vitiligo That Really Work
Know Effective home remedies for treating vitiligo. Read complete health guide about vitiligo home remedy treatment.
Posted on Mar-07-2011

798 Broken Capillaries Treatment - Broken Capillaries Herbal Remedies That Really Work
Looking for natural remedies for broken capillaries? If so, this article gives you some herbal remedies for broken capillaries that work effectively.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

1680 Stroke Prevention - Herbal Prevention for Stroke That Works Wonders
Blood clots that have either formed in the brain arteries or those passed into the brain from other body parts are the usual cause of strokes. There are several ways to lower the chances of stroke, one of them being the herbal remedies which contain properties that prevent blood clotting.
Posted on Jan-31-2011

747 Best Natural Foods That Cleanse Your Arteries
There are some foods that can help to clean your arteries. This article will show you types of foods have been identifies which are good for cleansing the arteries.
Posted on Jan-02-2011

1072 Bloated - How to Get Rid of Feeling Bloated?
Are you feeling bloated? Bloating problem has different levels, at times it is solves within sometime but in few cases it may result in chronic injury which may require immediate medical treatment. Following are some methods to get rid of bloated feeling.
Posted on Jan-02-2011

750 Effective Herbal Treatment for Cold and Flu
Cold and flu are a highly contagious disease, spreading mostly by direct person-to-person contact. Coughing, sneezing or hand to hand contact will easily pass the virus on. There are some herbs are used to decrease the severity of colds and flu.
Posted on Dec-14-2010

824 5 Way to Stop Biting Finger Nails - That Work Effectively
Onychophagia, generally known as nail biting is a very common problem. It has variety of root causes and the best way to cure this is by finding the reasons responsible for it.
Posted on Dec-07-2010

691 Herbs for Emotional Health That Work
One of the most natural ways to help support emotional health, and promotes balanced mood is the use of herbs. We can easily mix up these herbs in our regular life by supplementing it with food in order to fight various emotional stresses.
Posted on Dec-07-2010

1241 How to Treat Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) Naturally?
Learn how to treat low blood pressure naturally? This decrease in the flow of blood leads to a lack of oxygen and nutrient supply in various parts of the body.
Posted on Nov-15-2010

955 Natural Remedy to Relieve Muscle Soreness After Exercise - That Really Work
Many people who work out in the gym complain of this pain after they finish a workout session. So, how to get rid of muscle soreness immediately after exercise.
Posted on Oct-18-2010

592 Improve Poor Circulation - Foods and Herbs to Increase Blood Flow
Poor circulation is an indication of an unhealthy circulatory system (such as blood clots, arteriosclerosis, diabetes or anything else) which can lead to serious health problems. Poor circulation can be helped the natural way. Hopefully,you have gained some valuable information on this page about how to improve poor circulation.
Posted on Oct-18-2010

2140 Home Remedies for Arthritis - Best and Effective Natural Cures
About 1.5 million Americans and 5 million people worldwide have a form of arthritis. In treating your arthritis, there are many ways to get rid of arthritis pain. Here are some home remedies for arthritis that are considered excellent.
Posted on Oct-13-2010

678 Top 5 Way Natural Painkiller Without Medications
Most of the common diseases can be cured by not taking medicines and for this the person he/she should maintain some important tips and also should be able to take home remedies for the respected disease. Here are some tips to get rid from pain by not taking proper medications.
Posted on Oct-13-2010

722 A Good Night Sleep - Choosing Foods to Help You Get A good Night Sleep
A Good night sleep is important for maintaining good health. Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep. Many things can contribute to a person sleeping well. A very important factor is what a person eats, especially before going to bed.
Posted on Oct-13-2010

1000 Neck and Back Pain – Be Proactive Towards Healing
Back and Neck pain are the common types of pains in adults. There are a various causes of these pains and also various kinds of treatments like mental, physical and spiritual treatments. When all the three types are combined together, they form the holistic therapy that is used to cure back and neck pain.
Posted on Oct-13-2010

1388 How Can I Get Rid of a Stomach Ache Quickly?
Stomach ache is one of the most common problem that can occur at any time. Fortunately, if you have a stomach ache, you can take steps to alleviate the pain quickly. Here are some things that you can adopt to get rid of a stomach ache quickly.
Posted on Oct-04-2010