Zyke Smith's Article in SEO
Why SEO Is A Must
Search engine optimization is considered by many in the online business world today as one of the most important things that you need to do work on in order to make big here. However, there are still many people outside the industry who are not yet convinced about the importance of SEO. In fact many of them still think that optimization is just a waste of time and money.
Posted on Apr-20-2010
Making Good Use Of Long Tail Keywords
Keyword research is one of the most important work to be done when optimizing your site. Here, you need to find the best keywords to use for your pages. However, that's really the end of it. As it turns out, there is still plenty of keywords, other than the high ranked ones, that will prove as effective when used properly.
Posted on Mar-26-2010
Making Your Site Both Search Engine And User Friendly
Having a good web design is very crucial in order to make a site prominent in the internet. However, there are a lot of considerations that a designer needs to think about when developing a site. One of the biggest issues he need to think about carefully is whether to come up with a user friendly site or one that is made for the search engines.
Posted on Jan-22-2010