Stogieboys's Article in Hobbies
Let Them Rest
Finally. You receive your brand new, enticing cigars in the mail, all wrapped up in a beautiful new package. But it is bittersweet for you know you must wait to enjoy them. You have to let them rest first.
Posted on Nov-03-2011
Why Heat Is Bad for Your Stogies
Humidors are a must--and they must be taken care of properly. If you misuse them, your cigars will be ruined! What can happen if you disregard temperature and humidity? Well, look out below!
Posted on Oct-05-2011
Features of the Best Cigar Lighters
It’s a stretch to believe that a cigar lighter really is one of the most crucial tools for any cigar smoker. You may think that a lighter is just a lighter but like a set of chef knives, there are many different kinds and each one serves a specific purpose. A good high-quality cigar lighter-—also known as a torch lighter thanks to the resemblance and the strong flame produced—-should allow for a flame that stays, unwavering, in any environment. But there's more to a cigar lighter than just that!
Posted on Sep-14-2011