Stephen Murray's Article in Society

636 Get over it The stigma of depression and bipolar disorder
There are a lot of medical illnesses that receive enormous support for research, education and treatment. Such illnesses as breast cancer, muscular dystrophy, and autism to name a few have wonderful programs.
Posted on Feb-15-2011

452 Mood Charting to help with Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Mood charting has been around for several years now and is available in several hard copy versions along with internet and smart phone applications.
Posted on Feb-14-2011

1046 What does bipolar disorder look like?
An individual who is bipolar and depressed, if they are in the depressed phase of the illness, will have depressive symptoms no different than someone who has unipolar major depression.
Posted on Feb-03-2011

510 Is there a quick fix for my Depression or Bipolar Disorder?
Have you ever wondered about the ads we see on TV regarding depression and bipolar disorder and speculated if treating these medical conditions is as simple as taking these medications?
Posted on Feb-03-2011