Selina's Article in Relationships
Signs Tell You an Unhealthy Relationship
People always believe that as only as I do much for her or him, then we can keep in a good states.
Posted on Oct-09-2010
Five Rules for Breaking Up with Your Lovers
Breaking up is a little hard thing to do, but you have not choices. Your heart still sad or in some place.
Posted on Aug-13-2010
Happy Birthday to Honey—A Letter from Army
Happy birthday,honey!”A letter comes from army!
Posted on Jul-29-2010
How to Make Love Fresh? --Long-distance Relationship
The lovers love to live together everyday. When it cool,there is a hung;when they feel lonely,there is a accompany. Although absence makes the heart grow fonder,but for the long-distance relationship, it often be a test for these two people. As a song saying: distance is measured in an examination, the oath, it finally will achieve.
Posted on Aug-19-2010
Several Things You Must Do Before You Get Married
What is marriage? What does it mean, when two people say yes before minister to live and love each other, in sickness and health, in good and bad times? Without doubtness, this is an exciting time, two people step into the palace of happiness. Marriage seemed like the natural thing to do, because they love each other.
Posted on Jul-12-2010
What is Love?-Do You Get It?
What is love? It’s a eternal topic for the mankind! Someone find it by heart, but it just around the corner. A popular saying goes: As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way. To some love is friendship, sent on fore for others! Maybe love is just like the luck, you have to go all the possible ways to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it in your heart, love is the eternal truth in the history of the mankind whether in th
Posted on Jul-09-2010
Which One Is Your Prince Charming –Romantic,Sentimental or Earnest?
Because of the different culture, different country have different ways to show love-the France romantic,the Chinese sentiment, the American pragmatism. But which one you love? And what is hilosophy of love? Is it like that if love just love. I am sure everyone have the right concept of love.
Posted on Jul-02-2010
Evolution Defines Shopping Style Between Man and Women
Why some girls would like to spend few hours in the supermarket without buying or window shopping? But it’s total different from men’s.They want to spent the less time to buy the things they want. A research found that the different of the shopping style from men and women begin at each division of labor in society prehistoric time. This discovery can be made between the sexes to understand each other's shopping habits, shopping process to avoid conflicts.
Posted on Jul-01-2010