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Several Things You Must Do Before You Get Married

Posted On : Jul-12-2010 | seen (640) times | Article Word Count : 624 |

What is marriage? What does it mean, when two people say yes before minister to live and love each other, in sickness and health, in good and bad times? Without doubtness, this is an exciting time, two people step into the palace of happiness. Marriage seemed like the natural thing to do, because they love each other.

What is marriage? What does it mean, when two people say yes before minister to live and love each other, in sickness and health, in good and bad times? Without doubtness, this is an exciting time, two people step into the palace of happiness. Marriage seemed like the natural thing to do, because they love each other.

To love someone and never give up on that one, of course, loyal love to each other. Love is a responsibility, never throw it away. Marriage isn’t a game, marriage isn’t something, which is supposed to be stop in midway or suddenly think differently behind each other.

But life isn’t somewhat simple sometimes, people make mistakes frequently, especially the lover birds. It is easy to love someone and be happy in the good times. But how about the bad time? Are you sure she or he will be with you to face to bear anything possible to happen? Think it again and again! As a passerby, there are several things you should consider before you get married, think it carefully, please…

1. Are you ready to get married?

During our teens and 20's, people change considerably. Until a person has matured as an individual, it is difficult to know if a relationship that worked for them in their younger years will still be working for them years later. Have you experienced everything you wanted to as a single person?

2. About money

Do you have enough money to get married? Marry is expensive, people often say that marriage is marry two families, how will you spend your money? And how to deal with your money? I think you should have a plan or a deal head of get married. In order to decrease disagreements later, and different spending habits, a deal is needed.

3. What do want to?

What is you two opinion on important issues such as having baby or on religion. Do you both agree on what a good relationship looks like? While some people prefer that their mate to be very similar to them, but others hold a opinion that differences character is marriage sauce. What are your expectations from marriage? What are your mate’s? do you think are able to meet he or she needs?

4. Personal needs and beliefs

What’s your views on loyalty, honesty and dealing with anger? And what do you think what’s your base line? Talk about these to your mate?

5. Communication skills

How to communication with your lover? For some disagree things, how will you cope with this? Arguing? Yelling? Are you able to resolve problems to reach a xompromise?

6. Baby

If want, how many? How do you plan to educate them? Children will change your life. Maybe you will spend more attention on babied so that ignore your husband or the family. Don’t lose yourself and keep your marriage fresh.

7. Sex

Daily life — Who will be responsible for daily activities such as household chores and paying the bills? How will these responsibilities be handled if life's circumstances change — for example, when children are born or work hours are changed?

8. How to keep your marriage fresh?

How will you find ways to keep your relationship satisfying? And how do you plan to spend your time when you two stay alone? With friends? Watching sports game? Or a romantic candlit dinner? Or just take a talk with hand-in-hand n the park? Can you make a regular date but you put it in your heart for a long time?

What do you think of marriage? I would like to hear anyone comment.

Article Source : Things You Must Do Before You Get Married _25130.aspx

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Keywords : marriage and happiness, live and love, communication skills,

Category : Society : Relationships

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