Plumstech's Article in Arts and Entertainment
The Good and the Bad of SEO – From Googles Mouth!
I recently had the opportunity to ask questions of some Google staffers. There were some questions I felt I needed to get verification on, so when I had the opportunity via a conference call I took it.
Posted on Oct-10-2011
Discussion between Two SEO´s
A discussion between 2 SEO´s, Mr. Ethical and Mr. Links, about link building.
Posted on Oct-10-2011
From a 0 Page Rank to a 5
If you achieve great results after following my advice and feel it was worth some money, feel free to write me a check for any amount you choose.
Posted on Oct-05-2011
Its all about number of backlinks
Google then takes your website and performs a mathematic equation and places a numeric value on your website depending on one of the most important features, reciprocal or back links.
Posted on Oct-05-2011
New Direction of Google
Over the past week, most people have noticed significant changes in the SERPs at Google. Web sites that previously held number one positions have dropped to number 89.
Posted on Oct-03-2011
Google's Page Ranking system is dead
This weekend, marketers all around the world don't believe what they are seeing... Google's Page Ranking system is dead.
Posted on Oct-03-2011
Search for "on demand"
As more and more businesses strive for a top ten Google ranking, it's becoming harder and harder to achieve. This is especially true for smaller businesses that simply don't have the budget for a big link popularity campaign.
Posted on Sep-30-2011
Do nothing… get nothing, do a little & get a lot!
One of the biggest hurdles online marketers face is web site promotion. There are literally countless ways to promote online.
Posted on Sep-22-2011
Link building strategy : sandbox
Google Sandbox is applied on new websites, it determines the timing of site inclusion as well as ranking in Google search engine results (SERPS)
Posted on Sep-21-2011
A Case Study on Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization this and search engine optimization that. You read and hear about it all day, but what about your site?
Posted on Sep-14-2011