Michael Smythe's Article in Health and Fitness

693 So you want your body to look like Arnold’s?
Perhaps no one has single-handedly made bodybuilding as popular as it is today than Arnold Schwarzenegger. He became Mr. Universe in 1969 and was among the most favorite of all titlists in this most prestigious bodybuilding contest.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

701 Some Mistakes to Avoid in Bodybuilding
Arguably the most common mistake you can make is not having a diet regimen of the essential nutrients and calories that support muscle bulk build-up, this can easily defeat any bodybuilding workout.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

629 Prepare to Build the Body to Die for
Serious bodybuilding is more than just a sport. It’s a mindset anchored on a determined will power to get that body you want. And it’s a disciplined lifestyle that adheres to the rigors of a strict diet structure, a workout regimen and relaxation plan.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

1022 Planning to Use Steroids to Boost Body Mass? Think Again
Now if you as a budding athlete aspire to be a champion in the sport you’ve chosen, taking in steroids for their promise of boosting performance doesn’t seem to pay off when the risk of being stripped of your crown becomes a reality right after the contest.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

664 Modern Steroids had it roots on Bodybuilders (weightlifters to be precise)
Has anyone ever wondered when and how steroids got into the sporting world? It’s interesting to know that steroids were first discovered to have a profound improvement on weightlifters in the mid 1950s. From no other than the Soviets.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

715 Even Busy Executives Can Go Bodybuilding
There’s often this misconception that bodybuilding cannot succeed unless you dedicated 100% of yourself to achieving the ideal body you want. That often requires a lifestyle centered on a training regimen to the near exclusion of just about everything else. The body becomes the goal and the focus.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

731 Don’t Forget This When Embarking on Bodybuilding
In your eagerness to jumpstart a bodybuilding routine, you might end up distressed, discouraged, or at worst, hospitalized. Teenagers who what to attract girls on a visit to the beach or a swimming pool can be among those eager to get into shape with the muscles to show off.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

730 California’s Governor was a Former Mr. Universe
This is perhaps common knowledge. Arnold Schwarzenegger bagged the title in 1969 and won various professional bodybuilding titles like the prestigious Mr. Olympia until he retired in 1975 and pursued a career in Hollywood.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

1023 Bodybuilding is a 20th Century Phenomenon
It’s interesting to note that there were no formal bodybuilders as we know them to be prior to the late 19th century. The phrase probably did not even exist prior to that. Though it must have routinely existed for soldiers throughout the ages when you see Roman gladiators and muscled infantry men in Sparta, assuming the movie “300” has any claim to accuracy.
Posted on Aug-21-2009

1025 Bodybuilding, a Necessity for 21st America
If you can get back in time and see how the shapely muscled men of the past developed their muscles you could be in for some surprises. There were no workout gyms then, no fitness or heath instructors to supervise a bodybuilding regimen.
Posted on Aug-21-2009