Fine Art Photography
You no doubt remember your very first camera. Maybe you were just a kid when you received one as a birthday present or perhaps you were older when you finally purchased your own camera. Either way, you likely vividly recall snapping pictures of anything and everything, enjoying the freedom of choosing your subject. Like many forms of photography, fine art photography takes subjects like everyday people and things and transforms them into an aesthetic experience.
Posted on Oct-11-2011
What is Photography : Variety of Photography
There are a whole host of specialized styles of photography that often individuals are unaware of, thus this article will depict those styles to give you a helping hand.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography – Wedding Photography
Many individuals often underestimate and disregard the value and importance of wedding photography; people often refer to simply the easy task of taking pictures on a couple wedding pictures. Whilst this is pretty much essentially what happens it is certainly not easy and it is something of high significance and importance.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : An Art
Photography is often considered a form of art which does not require schooling, in fact many believe that the difference between an amateur and pro is merely the ability for capturing a scene at the right moment.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : Photography Business
Photography is a fantastic and intriguing form of art and thus it is no surprise that so many people seek to participate in it.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : Top Photography Jobs
Being a photographer is a highly sought after job and many individuals desire to be involved in this form of art. However, there are many different areas of photography in which one can partake in and it is often hard to decipher which path of photography to go down.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : Documentary photography
Like all arts, photography is a field that compromises of a lot of varying categories and areas, for instance you have fashion photography, action photography, and advertising photography, to name but a few.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography – Street Photography
Street photography is an exciting, raw, and modern element of art and thus many photographers seek to partake in it. It covers a wide range of photographing yet it is an extremely difficult area as you have to be naturally gift with quick reactions, patience, and of course skill.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What Is Photography
Autumn is a beautiful month and thus it provides the most stunning outdoor photographs. Therefore it is vital to know how to capture the magic of the season to perfection.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : Pricing Photography
Deciding how much to price your photographs at can be a difficult decision as there is no ‘fixed’ valuation or even loose guidelines to give you a rough idea of what you should be charging.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : Types of Photography
The art of photography comprehends various elements; there is much more to it than meets the eye. There are many different sectors that one can apply themselves to, and this article I will depict an array of photography areas to help to give you the full picture.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
What is Photography : The Hidden Art of Digital Photography
Computers and cellular phones, mobility and microchips – these are the trademarks of the world today. We live in a world continually changed by technology.
Posted on Sep-05-2011
What is Photography : Photography Tips for Photography Jobs
Digital cameras have definitely simplified the manual labor of the photographers and do their job at mere a click of button. But, that does not mean you can have perfect shots with just the aid of your camera equipment.
Posted on Sep-05-2011
What is Photography : People Skills for Portrait Photography
Taking great portraits is as much about people skills as it is about technical ability, or using the latest and greatest photographic equipment.
Posted on Sep-05-2011
What is Photography : Differences between film and digital photography
There are many differences between film and digital photography. To most amateur photographers they do not matter much. They prefer the convenience, ease of use and lower cost of digital cameras and are not going to revert to the film age.
Posted on Sep-05-2011
Product Photography For Catalogs
In this article I am going to give you some tips about photographing your products for your catalog. Kind of learning what is photography too, at the same time, this article will help you to develop your skills on photography and leads to get better photography jobs and earn more.
Posted on Sep-05-2011