Marcy Moore's Article in Home and Family

335 How to Tell When It’s Time to Get a New Mattress
Considering the fact that you spend a third of your life on your mattress, it’s important to ensure that it remains in good condition. If you wake up sore and irritable every morning or if there is a dip in the center of your mattress, these are signs that you should get a new one.
Posted on Jun-15-2010

296 How Mattresses Can Affect Your Sleep and Overall Health
Although studies regarding the best type of mattress have been inconclusive, choosing a new mattress is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.
Posted on Jun-15-2010

303 Improve Your Life and Health with a Comfortable, Supportive Bed
You spend more time in your bed than in any other part of your home so it makes sense to find a bed that is comfortable and supportive. Finding the right bed for you is a matter of personal preference because no specific type of mattress works best for everyone.
Posted on Jun-15-2010

334 The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep and How Your Mattress Can Help
Getting a good night’s sleep is imperative if you want to live a long and healthy life. Good sleep improves your concentration and memory formation while repairing the damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays, and other types of harmful exposure.
Posted on Jun-15-2010