Manseo's Article in Sales

1717 Know More About Writing Instruments
Writing instruments are implements or objects which are used in the process of writing. Although the name suggests in May, most of the writing instruments may be used for various other functions such as painting and drawing. Critical, a writing instrument is characterized by its ability to control to produce a good line.
Posted on Jul-31-2009

1606 Know More About Fountain Pen and Fountain Pens
Pens has their story to the pen of sticks that were used in ancient times for writing. The word pen comes from a Latin word "Penna," which refers to a pen. The pen is nourished by the idea from the pen to be able to aspire to the ink and keep it, and then be able to deliver on paper. Out of this idea grew a variety of pens such as Cross pens, markers, ballpoint pens reed, feather pens and many others. Pens can be different colors like red, blue, green and black.
Posted on Jul-31-2009

1671 Custom Pen Beneficial for Business
As crazy as it may seem, I think we can all agree that when you find a pen / pencil with a mere handful, feels comfortable on your fingers and slides easily on paper, it brings great joy in your life. Many can admit sneaking out of the door of the restaurant or take in the home office because it makes the task of writing a little more exciting.
Posted on Jul-31-2009

2139 Buying Fine Writing Instruments - Tips for Buyers
Precision in one of the tools has been made since ages. It is common for fencers to be very selective on the swords they use. Similarly, if you like writing, then the quality of your writing instruments plays a key role.
Posted on Jul-31-2009

1234 Working of Oil Additives
In fact, the engine additives are used in most lubricants, because even the best synthetic base oils cannot protect vital parts, as additives, the whole work. Let's to the combustion engine to verify that for additives. According to the American Petroleum Institute the powerful watchdog for the oil companies, the temperatures and the nature of the services in which an engine is operated vary significantly.
Posted on Jun-26-2009

1780 The Science of Oil additives
The "Division of the parts "of many auto-manufacturers of the vehicles is a division in which shareholders will be money. After all, the "Parties" is what people need to take their cars, as the past ... and much more than 20 or 30 years.
Posted on Jun-26-2009

1243 Engine Automotive Friction difficulty - Oil AdditivMany in the automotive industry, engine were alre
Many in the automotive industry, engine were already skeptical. We have heard all the promises to reduce friction, longer engine and fuel economy. On many occasions, these are to be no solutions up to the hype. With over thirty years in the field, I was skeptical Complete with dozens of oil Additives of experience under my belt.
Posted on Jun-26-2009

1198 Diesel Fuel Additive Reason
Historically, owners of cars and trucks, used a diesel oil additive to increase fuel and lubricant, reducing wear on engine parts. Most owners of diesel machines have not thought about using a diesel oil additive to increase the gas mileage because diesel engines are far superior in this aspect of most conventional motors and fuel additives or supplements focused exclusively on the combustion of gasoline vehicles.
Posted on Jun-26-2009

1057 Writing Pens Milestones History
There is a wide variety of writing pens nowadays. There are roller pens, pens, reed pens, feather pens, ballpoint pen, dip pens, gel pens, ballpoint pens antler, etc. Among the largest manufacturers of pens Parker Pens, Mont Blanc Pens, Waterman pens, Bic Pens, Cross Pens and more. This remarkable writing instrument, with the help of which you can leave a trace of ink on the paper surface, is an indispensable part of our lives.
Posted on Jun-24-2009

1071 The Right Fountain Pen: 5 Tips to Consider before Buying
Are you interested in classic elegance and artistic, well-designed pens that can seduce and intimidate you at the same time? As forbidden fruit, had the idea to have a fountain pen left you feeling as if you were on your league? Fascinated by the art of writing pens, the type of pencil or a pen, you made a huge impact on your penmanship. For more than a thousand years, the writing instrument that dominated the longest in history has been written.
Posted on Jun-24-2009

1078 Systems of filling Fountain Pen
The writing instrument that dominated for the longest period of history has been written. Quill pens made from the wing feathers of geese lasted only a week before they need to be replaced. When writing became a form of art, the inventors have begun to improve the writing instrument with newer technologies.
Posted on Jun-24-2009

1150 History of Writing Pens
If you're in the market for a writing pen today, then you have no shortage of options. You can choose to fountain pens, roller pens, ballpoint pens, fountain pens, gel ink pens, ballpoint pens antler and many other styles of pens. Not only do you have a wide choice of styles of pens, but you also have a wide variety of manufacturers.
Posted on Jun-24-2009

1142 Use Diesel Oil Additive for Best Gas Mileage
Many people prefer to use an additive in its fuel tank that helps keep a better engine operation. When many people have discovered that regular gas and premium gas at the same time provide the same level of energy performance wise, they decided to go to regular gasoline. Regular gas cost less than the premium and you can get the same number of miles.
Posted on Jun-18-2009

1845 Oil Additives Really Work or not
With all the negative articles about oil additives, which were written and widely supported by special interest groups, it is time to tell the truth about oil additives. In most cases, they exert a positive function and with regular use can provide a number of advantages for vehicles and equipment.
Posted on Jun-18-2009

1064 Increase Fuel Economy Tips
Slow down. The faster you move, the more your engine has to work to change the wind. Speeding can reduce fuel efficiency by 33%. Use cruise control. In most situations, use your cruise control reduces fuel consumption by maintaining a constant speed.
Posted on Jun-18-2009

1048 Give Your Car Engine A Longer Life Sea with Foam Oil Additive
The word "meerschaum" reminds me of the calm and soothing light green of the sea But there is a oil additive known as the Sea Foam fuel additive that is used to clean the carburetor of your car. Cleaning carburetor with the sea foam oil additive to give the car a much more responsive and efficient engine. The sea foam engine treatment product was on the market for some time, since 1942 to be precise.
Posted on Jun-18-2009