Kristina Paul's Article in Society

661 Fixodent lawsuit attorney
A Fixodent lawsuit attorney prepares and files the case against Procter & Gamble, which is the manufacturer of this denture cream. The lawyer presents your case and charges the company with the allegations of zinc poisoning due to Fixodent usage. If you suffered from zinc poisoning, neurological complications and other severe side effects, it’s because the company didn’t informed you on the harmful side effects of its denture cream.
Posted on Sep-01-2010

875 Polygrip lawsuit attorney
A Polygrip lawyer actively reviews such cases where a victim can get compensation against Polygrip injury. A Polygrip user, facing any Polygrip related injury should not hesitate to consult and hire a lawyer to file injury lawsuits in order to claim compensation from the denture cream manufacturing companies.
Posted on Aug-31-2010

700 Zinc poisoning lawyer
The lawyer prepares a detailed account of your health conditions and files a lawsuit intending to get you proper compensation. You should hire only a lawyer who has a proven experience in lawsuits related to zinc poisoning due to denture cream usage.
Posted on Aug-31-2010

730 Denture cream lawyers
The Denture cream lawyers in the United States of America are available in huge numbers and one needs to make sure of a couple of things before they go ahead and contact a denture lawyer. First and foremost make sure that the lawyer is an experienced person in the field of law and has a separate office wherein he deals all his clients.
Posted on May-27-2010