Kristina Paul's Article in Business

748 Service Spares Management contributes to the bottom line
A Service Spares Management company offers a number of solutions to high-tech marketers. Solutions include Lean Supply Chain Planning, Inventory Optimization, Product Reintroduction, Risk Management Techniques, Vendor-Managed Reverse Supply Chain Inventory, and Kitting Solutions.
Posted on Mar-22-2011

732 Reverse Logistics helps unlock the value in returned materials and components
Not all returned materials are returned because they are defective. They may be returned for several other reasons. In fact, anywhere from 70% to 85% of products in a reverse logistics chain fall into the No Trouble Found (NTF) category, i.e., products that are defects-free.
Posted on Mar-22-2011

622 Software jobs
When you go to attend an interview in the software company, you have to be very clear in what to say. There will be many rounds of interview process and you will also be asked to do a project before you are selected for the company.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

627 Barcode Labels
Whether you are a brick-and-mortar business or a web-only enterprise, barcodes make life easy for you as well as those you serve. You will find barcodes on virtually every product imaginable, including books, beverages, aircraft parts, coupons, cosmetics and shipping labels.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

549 The process of getting printed labels
When you are in the thoughts of manufacturing a new product then you would surely need to go in for the printed labels on them. Without these printed labels one can say that it is pretty difficult to make these products as the stand out pieces.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

606 Label Manufacturer
Labels manufacturing business is said to be a thriving one, especially nowadays, there is the necessity that all the products that are being manufactured need to come with a label. The label manufacturers nowadays are really finding it pretty difficult to take up the orders and work on them.
Posted on Oct-15-2010

549 Promotional Labels
Promotional Labels come in all shapes and sizes. They can be circular in shape. They can be extra long (like most Promotional Labels seen on shelves). Promotional Labels may even incorporate more than one geometrical shape.
Posted on Oct-15-2010

587 Labels are the basis of any product marketing
Labels are made for specific purposes. They have become a significant part of almost every product available in the market. They give a number of vital information on the product that one purchases in the market. The information includes the price, the content, the date of production, the methods to use, instructions of warning and other such related issues. These stickers that are use for sticking on to the body of the products can be printed using easy printing technologies without undergoing
Posted on Oct-14-2010

601 Sticky labels – quality is always a surety
Sticky labels have the solution for all. It is one easy solution to all manufacturers who are in search for a good printer. Labels can be of varied types but with the best quality of glue used in them. From food labels, barcode labels, thermal labels, the range in unending. However, sticky labels are above all in terms of quality and technology.
Posted on Oct-14-2010

526 Importance of a label printing company for a manufacturer
A label printing company, for a product manufacturer, is as much important as the label itself. This is simply because a label cannot be made without the help of a label printing company. A label comes in various modes. It depends on the creator of the product what he/she would like to have on his/her product body.
Posted on Oct-14-2010

557 Lot Many Venues for Your Business Functions MA
Business functions MA is one such strategy that a number of companies existing in Massachusetts employ to train their employees in a less stressful and non-formal environment. In MA, there are more than 1,000 great venues where corporate meetings, seminars, conventions and conferences can be organized. These venues in Massachusetts are very attractive and hosting your board meeting, staff meeting or other corporate event will be very convenient at these venues.
Posted on Oct-11-2010

612 Marketing company Massachusetts online solutions
The online line marketing solution is more in demand as most of the selling by companies and business is done online now. The businesses opt for websites that are interactive and have all their products and services listed on their websites. This makes it easier for customers to do online shopping at any time of the day.
Posted on Oct-07-2010

669 Advertising agency MA Services and departments
There are many combinations of services that are adapted by the Advertising agency MA. From online to paper media to television media, where they are most comfortable in and also expert in their fields.
Posted on Oct-07-2010

601 Custom Printed Labels
Labels Self Adheesive Ltd creates Custom Printed Labels for chemical manufacturers, bulk food merchandisers, vitamins and proprietary/health food brands, pharmaceutical companies, the automotive industry, computer makers, wineries and many others.
Posted on Sep-13-2010

564 An overview of the labels
Labels were designed and invented for several purposes. The next main purpose of the labels was to name the dangerous chemicals in the industries. Because before the use of the labels it was very difficult for the laborers in the industries and factories to distinguish between the normal and the cautious chemicals.
Posted on Sep-13-2010

552 Label Printing Company
Make Labels Self Adheesive Ltd your one-stop shop for high quality custom labels—even if you need your labels on a at the right price—regardless of the quantity. We guarantee we'll never give you a reason to regret your decision to hire us.
Posted on Sep-13-2010

572 Homes for sale Ipswich MA
There are several ads which tell “Homes for sale at Ipswich MA” which would need to be dealt with caution and a thorough research needs to be done before purchasing these properties. Here we can discuss in detail about some of the things that one would generally need to keep in mind before purchasing a home at Ipswich in the state of Massachusetts.
Posted on Sep-01-2010

518 Printed Labels & Label Printing Company
Labels Self Adheesive Ltd creates Printed Labels for chemical manufacturers, bulk food merchandisers, vitamins and proprietary/health food brands, pharmaceutical companies, the automotive industry, computer makers, wineries and many others. We can provide asset, automotive, chemical, computer, plain, eight-colour, embossed, food, holographic, hot foil, laminated, pharmaceutical, security, vitamins and proprietary/health food, wine and any other printed label that you may have in mind.
Posted on Aug-30-2010

914 Water based adhesives
Adhesive known also as glue is a mix of liquid or semi liquid substances that adheres or bonds items together. There have been many researches done to create adhesive that bonds items and the type of items that can be bonded are limitless. Therefore there are different types of adhesive that are used to bond different kind of items.
Posted on Jan-28-2010

713 Cost effectiveness of toll manufacturing
Toll manufacturing firms provide full range of custom synthesis and manufacturing service to life science and chemical industries. Toll manufacturing can be a mix of the best of both worlds. It helps to take advantage of the high level skills which are available at lesser cost. Also it works well for high-value, and complex products.
Posted on Jan-22-2010